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2019 Fall Select Program Registration

Open/Select Teams can apply now for the Fall 2019 season.

If your team is accepted you will be required to turn in your registration form along with payment immediately (be ready to pay).

Fall 2019 Select Team Fee:

Fee includes:
-3 hours field usage per week at NE Metro (Mid-Late August to Mid-Late November)
-$50 off CTX SPORTS 2019 Fall tournament entry fees.

Field Time will be:
Tue/Thur [5:30pm-7:00pm] or [7:00pm-8:30pm]
Mon/Wed (limited availability) [5:30pm-7:00pm] or [7:00pm-8:30pm]

Field Time Request (Example):
Tuesday's and Thursday's 5:30pm-7:00pm

Please note, that no refunds are given for field time lost during the season (due to weather or other circumstances).
Teams are free to use their field time as they wish, whether it's for practice or for scrimmages.


* indicates required fields

* Enter Security Code shown: