2024-2025 Online Registration Form

Parent/Guardian release Liability Waiver
By signing below, the parent/guardian herby gives permission for the above named minor applicant to participate in activities with Saint Albans Basketball League (SABL). I recognize the possibility of physical injury associated with participation in SABL and I, the undersigned, herby release any and all rights and claims for liability due to and any and all injuries that may occur as a result of any attendance and or participation at any and all SABL, or any other group or organization in whose building or grounds this activity is being held. Additionally, I am fully aware of the above named minor applicants personal medical condition and herby certify that she is mentally and physically fit to compete at any and all activities associated for playing for SABL.
Photography release for minor child or children
By signing below, I herby authorize SABL to publish photographs taken during season of myself and/or minor child listed above, and our names and likenesses, for use in the SABL online Facebook page, Website and well as other SABL publications. I hereby release and hold harmless SABL from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality for myself and for the minor child listed above associated with the images specified above. Further, I attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child or children listed above and that I have full authority to consent and authorize SABL to use their likenesses and names.
SABL Coach/Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
With regard to players: I will endeavor to be a positive role model for SABL players. • I believe that the score of a game comes second to the safety and welfare of all SABL players. • I will endeavor to put winning in its proper perspective. • I will teach my player to understand and play within the letter and spirit of the rules of the SABL. • I will not post anything to any social media account that is detrimental to an opposing team’s player.
With regard to opposing teams: I will not coach, nor allow my players to play, with intent to cause injury to opposing players. • I will not display hostile behavior towards opposing players. • I will emphasize winning without boasting and losing without bitterness. • I will not post anything to any social media account that is detrimental to an opposing team.
With regard to Referees & Coaches: • I believe that referees and coaches, just as players, are attempting to do their best and I will instill in my player a respect for that fact. • I understand that my attitude can influence SABL players and other spectators, and I will display a controlled and undemonstrative attitude toward referees and coaches at all times. • I will not address a referee or coach before, during or after the game in a demeaning fashion. • I will not post anything to any social media account that is detrimental to a referee or coach.
Parents/players are responsible for their conduct and the conduct of their player. Verbal and/or physical abuse will not be tolerated. If a player’s conduct is not in the spirit of basketball, the referee can have the player leave the game for a cooling off period. The same conduct rule applies to spectators. If the cooling off period does not resolve the problem, the spectator may be asked to leave the gymnasium. If a parent approaches a referee or steps on to the court to challenge a call, they will be asked to leave the game and the incident will be reviewed.
Violators of the Code of Conduct will be disciplined as follows: 1st offense results in a 1 game suspension; 2nd offense results in a 3 game suspension and a meeting with SAGBL Board; and the 3rd offense results in suspension from the SABL indefinitely. NOTE: SABL is empowered to skip directly to the third step if an incident is deemed sufficiently serious, for example, the striking of a child.
You can add another Registration before checking out on Summary Page if you have Multiple Players in Same Home. Look for button with Add Another Registration

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