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Volunteer Coaches Form

The Pisgah Youth Soccer Organization believes that maximum participation, with the opportunity to
develop and grow as a participant on and off the field is our main objective. A youth program should be as
its name implies: a program for the kids. With this in mind, the Pisgah Youth Soccer Organization has
developed this form to help us get to know potential coaches, so that we may put together the best possible
coaching team.
I have answered the above questions truthfully. If so, please sign below to acknowledge:
Signature: _____________________________________________
Date: ____________
Pisgah Youth Soccer Association
Managers & Coaches Code of Conduct

I promise to conduct myself in accordance with the conduct as given next and understand my conduct as a
role model to children:
1. I will do my best to learn the fundamental skills, teaching, and evaluation techniques and strategies
of my sport.
2. I will learn the strengths and weaknesses of my athletes so that I might place them in situations
where they have a maximum opportunity to achieve success
3. I will treat each athlete, opposing coach, official, parent, and administrator with respect and dignity.
I understand that profanity is prohibited from all team activities by all participants.
4. I will not tolerate any form of abuse of children, volunteers, or parents be it physical, verbal,
emotional, ethical, or sexual and will immediately report any such abuse to the proper authorities.
5. I will not tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct from my coaching staff, players or fans and I will be held
responsible for them as well as myself.
6. I will do my best to become thoroughly familiar with the rules of my sport and my job
7. I will uphold the authority of officials and game management who are assigned to the contest in
which I coach, and I will not interfere as they perform their duties.
8. I will conduct my practices and games in a positive and supportive manner so that all athletes have
an opportunity to improve their skill level through active participation.
9. I will conduct all of the activities under my supervision so that all athletes have an opportunity to
improve their skill level through active participation.
10. I will become familiar with and agree to support the purpose of my job responsibilities as a
Volunteer Youth Sports Coach.
11. I will cooperate with Pisgah Youth Soccer administration and I will report program irregularities and the
violation of rules and regulations immediately.
12. I will encourage open communication between myself, parents, players, and Pisgah Youth Soccer Association

I recognize the Pisgah Youth Soccer Association has full and final authority to investigate and resolve
all rule violations or charges of improper conduct by a manager or coach. I understand that the league may
reprimand or relieve me of my duties as a volunteer coach if I am found to be violating this contract or the
terms of my job description

* indicates required fields