WYFBL Tackle Player Authorization Form




I state that my child/registrant is in satisfactory health with no specific health problems. As guardian for my child/registrant, I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the risks involved in the sport for which I am registering my child/registrant and that by enrolling in the program, I am expressly assuming all risks. I agree that I have adequate medical insurance coverage if the risk of injury occurs. I also giving permission, in case of injury, for a coach to take my child/registrant to a hospital for treatment, including the evaluation of injuries, x-rays and needed care. I hereby release the Westchester Youth Football League, its Board and all volunteer coaches, employees and volunteers of any liability whatsoever in connection with any injuries my child/registrant may sustain as a result of participation in the program sponsored by the Westchester Youth Football League.
Parents Code of Conduct:

I pledge to support my child's /registrants participation in youth sports by agreeing to the following: I will remember that youth sports are for the children. I will encourage good sportsmanship by behaving in a courteous manner and demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches and officials. I will place the emotional and physical wellbeing of the children ahead of any personal desire to win. I will demand an environment that is free from tobacco, alcohol and drugs and I will refrain from their use at all youth sports events. I will require my child to treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect. I acknowledge that I am accountable for my own conduct, as well as the conduct of those attending on my behalf or at my invitation. If at any point I have a concern about my child's wellbeing, I will privately contact my child's coach or a member of the organization running the sport and will follow the grievance procedures established by the organization running the sport. I will never air a concern on the field of play or in the presence of the children. I have read and understood this Parents' Code of Conduct and I acknowledge that failure to abide by it will result in my removal from an event and possible suspension from participation in The Westchester Youth Football League programs.

As legal parent/guardian of the participant described in this certification, I hereby verify by my signature below that all the information is true and accurate. I understand that falsifying any information in this document potentially endangers the reputation and financial status of the league as well as the health and safety of the players in the league. I understand that falsifying information may be subject to legal action.
Your child is participating on a team that has players that may be older or one grade level above his own. I am aware of the risks and waive any liability with the Westchester Youth Football League, Its Board Members or Volunteers. (Please check with your head coach or league Representative if you have any questions)


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