2022-23 Season Evaluation Registration

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Player Information

Primary Contact

Secondary Contact

Photo Release for Minors
I agree as the parent or guardian of the athletic participant hereby authorize FHN Hockey Club to publish the photographs taken of me and/or the undersigned minor children, and our names, for use in the FHN Hockey Club website and for display. I release FHN Hockey Club from any expectation of confidentiality for the undersigned minor children and myself and attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child listed below and that I have the authority to authorize FHN Hockey Club to use their photographs and names. I acknowledge that since participation in publications and websites produced by FHN Hockey is voluntary, neither the minor children nor I will receive financial compensation. I further agree that participation in any publication and website produced by FHN Hockey Club confers no rights of ownership whatsoever.

Rule Infraction Consequences
The most current version may also be found and downloaded from the FHN Knights Hockey website under Forms/Club Information.

• USA Hockey, Mid-States, and STL Metro Hockey Rules
If players commit infractions to these amateur hockey governing bodies' rules, players are subject to such disciplinary actions as set forth within the respective rule book, as well as additional disciplinary actions as may be imposed by the Club. (Especially Mid States rule 6-P-7, see below)


FINES AND SUSPENSIONS - The MSCHA fines clubs for infractions that involve the removal of a player from a game. As these fines escalate with each additional infraction (i.e. $100 for the 5th game misconduct, $200 for the 6th, $300 for the 7th, etc) it is not possible to set an actual fixed and final amount until all fines for the year have been taken into account. It is the policy of the club in order to limit liability, deter on ice actions for which these penalties are assessed, and defer such cost incurred on the actions of the individual players to those players that the player will:

1. Upon first infraction:
a. Player will have a discussion with the available coaching staff as well as a board member in an informal environment to discuss the particular infraction. This discussion will be completed prior to the next scheduled game or practice.
b. Penalties will be determined at that time and will be at the discretion of the coaching staff if anything penalty is further warranted beyond the Mid-States imposed penalty.
c. The player may or may not be fined by the club for this first infraction.
2. Upon the second infraction the above process applies with the following additions:
a. Player will have a discussion with the coaching staff and board member present in a formal hearing with the date to be determined within 24 hours and the hearing to commence within 7 days.
b. All on ice activity will be suspended for the player until such time as this hearing has been completed.
c. Should there be a game prior to this hearing and Mid-States has imposed the suspension, that will be included in any further action by the club that may be imposed (“time served”).
d. Financial penalties will be imposed for this infraction of $100 (unless board determines a different amount) and until paid, the player will not have any club activity.
3. Upon a third or more infraction, at the sole discretion of the Head Coach and Board, players shall be dismissed from the club with no refund of collected fees and all fees will be owed for the remainder of the season.
Note: Any club member playing in any league as a member and representative of the Francis Howell North Hockey Club shall be subject to this fine
I have read and I understand the Francis Howell North Hockey Club Coach's Rules and I further understand that violations of these rules will result in reduced ice time, suspension, or other penalties as deemed appropriate by the Head Coach. Serious and/or repeated violations may result in a Hearing before the Francis Howell North Hockey Board and subsequent dismissal from the Club.

Parental/Spectator Code of Conduct
The most current version may also be found and downloaded from the FHN Knights Hockey website under Forms/Club Information.

• Abide by all rules, laws or ordinances of the facility being attended.
• Do not publicly question the officials' judgment and never their honesty.
• The unsportsmanlike conduct of any spectator (parent) could cause that individual to be barred from attending any future Francis Howell North Hockey Club events. Help the referees do their job. Their duty is to enforce any infraction of the rules of the game.
• Failure to abide by the Parent Code of Conduct may result in removal from the event and potential ban from future events.

Should a spectator observe any conduct that is not in compliance with the above they can contact the club liaison or facility security to report the issue.

• Do not force an unwilling child to participate in sports.
• Remember that children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment, not yours.
• Encourage your child to always play by the rules.
• Teach your child that honest effort is as important as victory.
• Turn defeat into victory by helping your child work toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship. Never ridicule or yell at your child for making a mistake.
• Remember that children learn best by example. Applaud good plays by your team and the opponents.
• Refrain from criticizing the coaches with your player, instead encourage them to take their concerns directly to the coaches.
• Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from children's sporting activities.
• Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches. They give of their time and resources to provide recreational activities for your child.

Payment Methods
Tryout payments must be made after registration prior to taking the ice. Failure to pay will result in not being able to take the ice.

Note: Fees that are incurred by the club, should they happen, will be added to the players account as necessary. This may be Paypal fees, returned checks or any fee that is incurred.

Submit to Club Agreement
By submitting this registration form and digitally signing your name below you agree that all of the above information is correct to your knowledge and that you agree to the bylaws of this club. Coaches have final say on all ice time and any issues with ice time or other items related to the club will be submitted via email to fhnknightshockey@gmail.com and handled by the board and coaches as they deem appropriate.


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