Application Pompano Beach Senior Softball League

This application is for players 55 and over with some exceptions. All three season Application Fees are $60 if you already own a pair of league shirts or $90 if you do not already have league shirts. Players can register to play on Tuesday and Thursday or as a "split" player who will play on either Tuesday or Thursday. Split players will be paired with a partner and drafted as a pair. The fee for reserve players is $25. There is a $30 league shirt fee for reserve players who do not own league shirts. Players can register for the A Division Draft, B Division or Reserve player.

Players not drafted in the A division will have the option of withdrawing from the league and getting a full refund or joining the B division draft. Players can fill out applications reserve player status at any time. Actual season draft dates will be announced. Applications will be accepted up to the announced due date. Players registering after that date will be placed on a reserve list. NO REFUNDS will be paid to drafted players. Players will be required to fill out an application for each season they want to join as a drafted player.

IMPORTANT: Make your check payable to Pompano Beach Senior Softball League

When you complete this form and click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the form, your application will be emailed to Steve Howard, Fred Rodriguez, Kerry Justice, Jim Craig and Brian Brutman.

You can now pay your Registration using VENMO or ZELLE
Pay your fees on VENMO to @pompanobeachseniorsoftball, Phone# (954)-914-3678
or pay your fees to Steve Howard on ZELLE at 860-324-9028

Indicate player name and season information in the notes on Venmo or ZELLE.

You may also mail your check and printed form to
Kerry Justice
301 NE 12th Ave
Pompano Beach, FL 33060

If you would prefer to pay at the field via cash or check, please pay Fred, Steve or Kerry.

You may also print out a blank copy of the application instead of submitting it online. You can only print a blank application! YOU CAN NOT PRINT OUT A COMPLETED FORM! If you print out a blank application, you then need to fill it out, date and sign your name at the bottom of the second page of the application. Mail your application and check to the address above or hand your printed application, check or cash to Steve Howard, Fred Rodriguez or Kerry Justice along with your check in the correct amount.

Code of Conduct and Waiver
Objective: The objective of this code is to promote and ensure an enjoyable and favorable environment for all players. Additionally, this code is to encourage a high standard of practice by all participants in their dealings and communications with other league members and fellow players. Violations of the code of conduct league rules and By-Laws will be considered a detriment to the league and are subject to discipline.
The following activities towards any coach, umpire, player, manager or participants are examples, but not limited unacceptable behaviors that can lead to ejection, suspension or expulsion:

Any communications intended to harass, belittle, humiliate, threaten or cause embarrassment.

Any participant that uses the "F-bomb" will automatically be ejected from the game.

Any statements that is bigoted, hateful or racially offensive.

Any excessive use of language that is vulgar, obscene or profane.

Any threats or threatening actions of physical harm.

Conduct or behavior, on or off the field, that is disruptive and unbecoming to our league, that is illegal or injurious, to include acts of malice. The severity of this conduct, as determined by league management, may lead to immediate expulsion.

See penalties listed in the PBSS rules section on the website.

(print name) _____________ agree to review and abide by the Rules & ByLaws of The Pompano Beach Senior Softball League (PBSS), posted on the PBSS website. I acknowledge that by violating said rules, it will lead to disciplinary action as stated in PBSS Rules & ByLaws.

Upon becoming a member of the Pompano Beach Senior League, the member agrees to play for any manager, or with any other member of the league. Managers have the final decision once teams are selected upon playing positions of the team member. Failure to comply will result in the member being banned from the league for a period of one calendar year from the season of occurrence.


I, the undersigned player named on the Pompano Beach Senior Softball League?s (the ?League?) roster, whether as a full-time, part-time or substitute player, acknowledge, agree and understand that I, voluntarily, and of my own free will, elect to participate as a member of the softball team and League indicated herein and I understand that there are certain risks and hazards involved in participating in softball, including, but not limited to, those hazards associated with weather conditions; playing conditions; equipment and other participants in addition to the acts of pitching, throwing, fielding, catching the ball, the swinging of the bats, running, jumping, stretching, sliding, diving, and collisions with other players and with stationary objects, all of which can cause serious injury or death to myself and or other players.

Further, I agree that in consideration for the right to play as a member of the League and in consideration for the permission to play on the field arranged for and by the League. I voluntarily elect or accept and solely assume all risk of damages, including death, incurred, or suffered by me while practicing, playing or officiating (as a volunteer) as a member of the League on or upon the premises of any and all of the fields arranged for by the League for practice or play. I, on behalf of myself and my heirs, assignees, personal representatives, and next of kin release discharge and agree to not sue the League, their officers, officials, agents and or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies and sponsor?s advertisers, and the City of Pompano Beach, it's agents, officials and employees or any owner or lessee of fields on which softball is played or practiced by the League for any claim, damages and or cost. I also release discharge any and all causes of action which I or any successors and or assigns have or may have in the future as a result of injuries or damages sustained or incurred by me from whatever cause, including but not limited to the negligence, breach of contract, or wrongful conduct of those parties. I hereby release and further agree that I shall hold harmless and fully indemnify all parties by and through the League from any claims, damages, costs, including attorney?s fees, and causes of action which may arise from any claim or cause of action made by me, through me or on my behalf, even if injuries or death are caused, in whole or in part, by any of the parties or entities hereby released.

I have read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it freely and voluntarily without any inducement.

By SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, you agree to the league waiver form and have read and agree to comply with the Code of Conduct

Hit the SUBMIT FORM button below to SUBMIT your application.

* indicates required fields