2025 Spring Season Team Registration Form


1. My team, if accepted for play, will abide by all the rules and regulations of the Los Angeles Baseball League, INCLUDING DIVISION PLACEMENT (which may be different than requested).

2. I understand that I will be held personally responsible and will guarantee payment for my team's total league fees of $285 per schedule regular season game ($4,275 for a 15 game season), which is due and payable to the Los Angeles Baseball League by the deadline dates given.

Payment Options/Instructions:

Check or Money Order: Mail to Los Angeles Baseball League (2006 Rhodes Street / Hermosa Beach, CA 90254) / Note: Checks returned for NSF, account closed, etc., will result in $25 service charge, plus immediate request for payment in Cash or Money Order of amount owed.
Cash: In person to league president, Dave Becker.
Zelle: To: labaseballleague@gmail.com / For: 2025 spring LABL baseball

Note: The Los Angeles Baseball League cannot provide any customized installment plans.

League fees pay for: Field rentals/permits, field maintenance/game day preparation in most cases, however with field personnel shortages we may have to do our own field prep in some cases, donations, general liability insurance (NOT MEDICAL), administrative staff/overhead, 6 dozen baseballs (Mizuno or Wilson), scorebooks and line-up cards. League fees do not include umpire fees of $125 per game, per team.

And I understand that players always pay any and all fees to their team manager. The manager collects from his players and then pays the league. Conversely, in regards to any refunds, the league pays the team manager, and then the team manager deals with the players. The league does not (ever) deal directly with the player in regards to payments and/or refunds. Bottom-line; make sure that you and your players have a relationship and know the rules and regulations in regards to payments and refunds.

3. IMPORTANT: Any team that forfeits before the game will be responsible for both umpire fees ($250) for that game. I will be personally responsible for reimbursing the Los Angeles Baseball League for any umpire fees paid by the league in the event that my team forfeits any games and will be personally responsible for an additional $285 for game forfeits as well.

4. I understand that all monies paid to the Los Angeles Baseball League per fee schedules are non-refundable. Any deposits will only be refunded in full to any team NOT accepted or approved for membership in the Los Angeles Baseball League.

5. I understand that my team's failure to meet its financial responsibilities to the Los Angeles Baseball League in a timely manner shall result in my team being removed from the Los Angeles Baseball League game schedules; with reinstatement subject to the sole discretion of the Los Angeles Baseball League.

6. I understand that, to avoid being charged with total game umpire fees ($250) in the event of a forfeit, I must notify the Los Angeles Baseball League no less than 72 hours prior to the scheduled start time of the game in question. I further understand that after my team has forfeited two (2) games, my team, at the sole discretion of the Los Angeles Baseball League is subject to dismissal from the Los Angeles Baseball League.

7. I will be responsible for my players' registrations on the Los Angeles Baseball League website @ www.labaseballleague.com, or as otherwise instructed and any waivers that may be required. I understand that a player must be registered and be on my team's online roster BEFORE they may participate in any league event. On game day, I will be personally responsible for each and every player (including any pool players) on my team signing the roster/liability waiver sheet prior to taking the field.

8. Website compliance: I will be personally responsible for posting on the league website the results of my team's game by the prescribed time per our rules, and I will also post each game's boxscore for my team on the league website by the prescribed time per our rules (including pitching stats). Highlights of that game are encouraged, and would be appreciated. I understand that repeated failure to post stats on time will, at the discretion of the Los Angeles Baseball League, result in my team losing a point(s) in the divisional standings and possible expulsion from the league.

9. I or a team representative will be present for all mandatory Los Angeles Baseball League meetings.

10. As manager, I will personally check the valid ID of EACH of my rostered or pool players in order to confirm that EACH player on my team meets the minimum age requirement of my division. I further understand that my failure to check valid IDs is no excuse for an underage player playing on my team, and that my allowing an underage player to participate could result in my team's forfeiting the game.

11. I understand that it is my responsibility to make sure my team follows all Covid related or other health protocols given by the league and or any field administrators. Failure to adhere to all Covid (or any health) protocols may lead to the expulsion of players or teams.

Thank you for your interest in the Los Angeles Baseball League. You will be contacted in regards to acceptance.

* indicates required fields