2025 USABL St. Patrick's Day Tourney

2025 USABL St. Patrick's Day Tournament Registration

Registration: Online registration and payment via this form is required to participate.







As the parent or legal guardian of the child named in this registration form, I acknowledge that I have the legal authority to, and do hereby consent, on behalf of myself and my spouse, or other applicable legal guardian, to my child becoming a participant with, including participating in any activities of, the North Caldwell Baseball and Softball Association, Inc., a New Jersey non-profit corporation with the sole purpose of operating as a youth travel baseball and softball organization (the "Association"), and to the terms and conditions of this waiver and release.

ON BEHALF OF MYSELF, MY SPOUSE, ANY OTHER LEGAL GUARDIAN OF MY CHILD, MY CHILD, AND ON BEHALF OF MY/OUR HEIRS, ASSIGNS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND/OR NEXT OF KIN (collectively, "We"), We hereby agree to the following. We agree to abide by the Association's bylaws and/or any rules, policies or procedures duly promulgated thereunder. We knowingly and freely ASSUME ALL RISKS associated with participating in any Association activity, INCLUDING THE RISK OF INJURY, DISABILITY OR DEATH, and RELEASE the Association, including, without limitation, its board of directors, officers, members, coaches, or other volunteers or independent contractors (e.g., independent instructors), and any affiliates, agents, representatives, successors, sponsors, advertisers and, if applicable, owners and leasers of premises used to conduct any Association activity or event (collectively, the "Releases"), FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property incident to my child's involvement or participation in any Association activity, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law. We hereby RELEASE the Releases from any medical and/or legal responsibilities associated with any injury incurred by, or action by, my child during any Association activity. We HEREBY INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the RELEASEES from any and all liabilities related to, or resulting from, our involvement or participation in any Association activity, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

We certify that my child is physically fit to take part in all Association activities and agree that, if We observe anything, or otherwise have any concern, regarding my child's health or physical condition and/or ability to safely participate in any Association activity, We will immediately remove my child from such participation and bring such concerns to the attention of the Association immediately. We certify that my child has health insurance and that We agree to provide my child's health insurance information, if requested by the Association or its insurance providers. If any emergency should arise and We cannot be reached immediately at any phone number provided in this application, We hereby grant the hospital, or other qualified medical provider, the authority to take whatever measures necessary to safeguard the welfare of my child. We pledge my child's compliance to any and all Association rules and understand that my child could be dismissed from participation with the Association for any conduct not in the best interests of the Association.


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