INSTRUCTIONS for Softball:

Please fill out one form per child.
Once you hit the submit button, you will be directed to complete registration.

When you have completed the form, click the submit button.

Once you have submitted your form, return to the BYBSA home page to complete payment for registration.

Please be sure to select the correct gender and sport, we have both baseball and softball for each age group with the exception of Blastball.

Player Information
Parent / Guardian Information

2nd Parent / Guardian

Medical Release Waiver
I/We hereby give my/our permission for my/our child as named above, to play in the Benbrook Youth Baseball and Softball Association (BYBSA) 2024 Fall Season. I/We give my/our permission, for my/our child, named above to participate in any and all activities associated with being a part of this league for the 2024 Fall Season. In the event of my/our absence, I/We hereby give full permission to the Coach and/or Volunteers of BYBSA to obtain emergency medical care from any licensed physician, hospital or medical clinic for my/our child. I/We agree to be responsible for any and all medical, doctor, and hospital charges, either personally or through my/our insurance and will hold BYBSA and it's Coaches and/or Volunteers harmless and free of all liability for any charges and for any claim arising out of any injury to my/our child.
Consent/Waiver Release
Having been informed of the intentions of Benbrook Youth Baseball and Softball Association ("BYBSA") to provide supervised baseball and softball games, I/We the parent/legal guardian of the above named player, do hereby give my/our approval to my/our child's participation in any and all activities of the 2024 Fall Season. I/We do assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities. I/We do further hereby release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless the BYBSA, City of Benbrook, the Corps of Engineers, the Organizers, Sponsors, Supervisors, Volunteers, Pony Baseball and USA Softball, Inc., any and all of them. In case of injury to my/our child, I/We hereby waive all claims against the BYBSA, City of Benbrook, the Corps of Engineers, the Organizers, Sponsors, Supervisors, Volunteers, Pony Baseball and USA Softball, Inc. I/We agree to abide by the rules governing BYBSA league and abide by and with the Constitution and By Laws of BYBSA. I/We further agree to furnish the league official with a birth certificate of the above named child as proof of their correct date of birth.

I have read and understand the above statements.


* indicates required fields