This for is for Late registration after July 1st.
Students must have approval from Lili Barba the NSP Program Director before registering.
Please see her at the NSP room at the wharf or email her at to discuss.

If your child has taken an NSP class before, please consult "2024 NSP Recommendation List"

List can be found at on the registration page

Pull down boxes of recommendation lists are visible at the end of this page

Please contact NSP resources on the website for assistance with class placement.

If your child has not taken an NSP class before, please sign up for Learning to Sail or reach out for guidance.

All Classes have capacity

(as of 4/16/24)

***Weekly Registration Option Needs to be approved and coordinated with Program Director Lili Barba****


Address of Student

Sailors/parents are required to sign the NSP waiver. A copy of the waiver can be found on our website. Please submit signed form along with your payment.


Nahant Summer Sailing Program 2024

I am the parent/guardian of the minor detailed in this registration (hereinafter, Minor). I certify that Minor is at least 8 years of age as of June 26, 2024, and is in good health. I certify that Minor is capable of swimming 100 yards and I understand that he/she will be required to pass a swimming test at the town wharf (not in a pool) before he/she can be accepted into the Nahant Summer Sailing Program. I agree that he/she will wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved lifejacket (type I-III) and sneakers while he/she is on the town wharf, in a sailboat or in a safety boat.

Further, I hereby consent to Minor's participation in the Nahant Summer Sailing Program. I, on my own behalf and on Minor's behalf, forever release, discharge and covenant to hold harmless the Town of Nahant (and any and all employees thereof), the Sailing Committee, the parent volunteers, the sailing instructors, the boat owners, Friends of Nahant Sailing, and the Nahant Dory Club from any and all actions, causes of action and claims in any way growing out of, directly or indirectly, all known and unknown personal injuries or property damage which I or Minor may now or hereafter have resulting in any way from his/her participation in the Nahant Summer Sailing Program.

Finally, I understand that the sailing instructors reserve the right to exclude from the sailing program anyone who fails to observe the following rules of safety or who proves detrimental to the sailing program.

Rules of Safety
At the Nahant Sailing Program, (NSP) we are committed to providing a safe, fun, and educational environment to learn about sailing and the ocean. By registering for a Nahant Sailing Program, you and your child(ren) are agreeing to the following:

Sailors agree to:
- Listen to and respect instructors
- Respect other sailors
- Keep hands to self
- Use nice words
- Respect NSPs equipment and space
- Clean up after yourself
- No climbing on things (trees, posts, tables, etc.)
- Use equipment appropriately
- No running
- Respect the Nahant Wharf, Dory Club Float and boat storage area
- Clean up after yourself
- Stay with the group
- Wear U.S. Coast Guard approved lifejacket (type I-III )at all times while on the dock or ramp.
- Leave phones at home or in bag at all times
- No pushing others off the dock or boats
- No swimming without permission from an instructor
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- Have fun!

Parents agree to:
- Have their sailors picked up and dropped off punctually, in accordance with NSP policies.
- Be sure that their sailors have what they need for a day on the water, including lunch, sunscreen, appropriate clothing and water.
- Ensure that money and cell phones are left at home.
- Communicate any special requests/requirements (such as medication or pickup changes), in writing.

Any behavior considered to be disruptive, destructive, or dangerous will not be tolerated. Behavior such as this will result in the sailor being removed from the current activity. If the behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted for pick-up.

Please do not bring valuables to NSP. NSP is not responsible for lost or damaged items. If you have any questions, please contact the Program Director.

I have reviewed the conditions of the waiver with my child and am certain he/she agrees with the conditions for participation in the NSP and we agree to be bound by them.

Signature: _______________________ Date: _______________

Printed: ________________________

Sailors will take a swim test on the first day of class. Sailors are expected to come to classes with a, life jacket, water bottle and appropriate closed-toed footwear.

Parents would like to ...


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