CourtSide Training Academy Registration

CourtSide Training Academy

is not just a practice session, it is a weekly full training program filed with teaching. This is not the place to show off your talent, but the place where you can improve on your talent and learn many new things. We are high on Basic Skills and will help you progress towards the higher level skills. If you work hard on the skills we teach and complete our Academy, you will be years ahead of other players in your area. We look forward to working with each of you!
It is the responsibility of the trainee to attend all of their paid for programed sessions. All sessions must be completed before the end of the program. There will be no make-up sessions after the program has ended. If paid for sessions are not completed, no partial refund will be issued, regardless of reason.

I represent and warrant to Courtside Training Academy that, except as otherwise stated above in writing, my child has health insurance and is in good health, both physically and mentally and is fully able to participate in all activities of Courtside Training Academy. I, on behalf of myself, my spouse and my child, waive any and all claims and fully and finally release and discharge Courtside and their respective trustees, officers, employees, agents and representatives from any and all claims for personal injury, including death, and/or property damage arising out of or relating to my child’s participation in any and all activities at the facility of use and Courtside Training Academy or arising out of or relating to Courtside Training Academy and hereby covenant and agree to hold harmless Courtside Training Academy and its trustees, officers, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, losses, damages, liability, or expenses arising out of, or in any way connected to, any alleged incident, injury, loss, damage or expense arising out of or resulting from such participation.

In the event of the opinion of Courtside Training Academy and/or the private instructor or any of their trustees, officers, employees, agents or representatives, that my child is in need of medical care or treatment, if either parent or the listed emergency contact is not available, I give Courtside Training Academy permission to transport my child to a hospital emergency room, a minor emergency facility, a physician or a nurse for care and/or for treatment.

I consent to Courtside Training Academy the right to use any photos taken during training activities for future promotions, publications and other uses.

* indicates required fields

IMPORTANT: Online Payment with credit cards is not active for this form