Mackinaw Township Recreation Group Waiver and Release/Zero Tolerance Policy/Photo & Video Policy

Mackinaw Township Recreation Group Waiver and Release
I understand and agree, by participating in programs provided by the Mackinaw Township Recreation Group that such activities have certain inherent risks that could result in serious, life limiting, and/or threatening injuries.

I further agree to release Mackinaw Township Recreation Group, its? appointed officials, employees, independent contractors or volunteers from all claims resulting from any and all injuries sustained while participating in any programs, except that arising out of the sole negligence of the Mackinaw Township Recreation Group, its? appointed officials, employees, independent contractors or volunteers.

I understand and acknowledge that the enrollment of Minor and his/her participation in Program is wholly voluntary and there are physical risks and hazards connected with participation, including, but not limited to the risk of communicable disease such as COVID-19. I understand, acknowledge, and agree that Mackinaw Township Recreation Group is not responsible for and does not assume the costs of any medical testing, care, or treatment associated with the Minor?s participation in the Program, including, but not limited to any medical testing, care and treatment of the Minor or anyone with whom the Minor may have contact during or after the Minor?s participation in the Program.

I agree, on my own behalf, on behalf of Minor, and on behalf of others acting on my behalf to comply with all Mackinaw Township Recreation Group rules and regulations regarding Minor?s participation in the Program, including all rules and regulation that pertain to COVID-19. I understand and agree that noncompliance with any such rules and regulations by myself, Minor, or anyone acting on my behalf may result in termination of Minor?s participation in the Program. I further understand and agree that if Minor or anyone Minor has had direct recent contact with exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, as set out by the Illinois Department of Public Health, on the day of or within 14 days prior to the Program, Minor will not participate in the Program. I understand and agree that if Minor exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, as set out by the Illinois Department of Public Health, during the Program, Minor will be required to leave the Program immediately and notifications must be given to Mackinaw Township Recreation Group or Program Director. I understand and agree that any registrations or program fees will not be returned if Minor?s participation in the Program is terminated under either of these circumstances. I understand and agree that if Minor or anyone Minor has had direct contact with exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, as set out by the Illinois Department of Public Health, within 14 days after the Program, I will immediately provide notice of the same to Mackinaw Township Recreation Group.

I have received and reviewed the Parent Concussion Form

Zero Tolerance Policy
PURPOSE: To provide an environment that encourages children to learn and enjoy learning the fundamentals of each sport in a teamwork atmosphere. Good sportsmanship is essential to this program. Sportsmanship includes behavior and attitude from Board members, coaches, players, officials, parents, and spectators. To encourage a positive support-base for everyone, the Mackinaw Township Recreation Board has adopted a ?Zero Tolerance Policy?.
GOAL: The goal of this policy is not only to promote mutual respect, fair play, cooperation, and sportsmanship, but also to encourage positive and effective communication between Board members, coaches, players, officials, parents, and spectators. The goal is also to eliminate verbal abuse and maintain a safe physical, respectful, social atmosphere for our Board members, coaches, players, officials, parents, and spectators.
Board members, coaches, players, officials, parents, and spectators are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with good sportsmanship. Coaches are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the ?Coaches Code of Ethics?.
At no time is anyone other than officials, players, or coaches allowed on field of play during the game. If an injury occurs and the child?s parent is needed, a coach or official will ask the parent to come to the players? aid.
Therefore, Board members, coaches, players, officials, parents, and spectators who demonstrate behavior detrimental to this program may be removed from all activities associated with Mackinaw Township Recreation. Detrimental behavior is defined as physical and/or verbal abuse towards any Board members, coaches, players, officials, parents, and spectators.
The Mackinaw Township Recreation Zero Tolerance Rules are specified as follows:
? Do not show disrespect to any Board members, coaches, players, officials, parents, or spectators with negative behavior, vulgar language, physical abuse, intimidation, or gestures.
? Accept decisions of officials and coaches as fair and called to the best ability of the officials.
? Alcohol or illegal substances are intolerable.
Any violation of this policy will result in the following actions:
1. One verbal warning
2. Immediate discharge from game or gym
3. If individual fails to leave after being asked, play will be suspended or cancelled
4. A suspension imposed with possible removal from league
5. If necessary, police will be called and charges will be filed
*Note that if an action is severe enough, no warning will be given and that individual will be asked to no longer participate and may be banned for all activities provided by Mackinaw Township Recreation.
I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, encouragement, and sportsmanship to all Board members, coaches, players, officials, parents, and spectators at every game, practice, or other program-related event.
I promise to be a respectful Board member, coach, player, official, parent, and/or spectator, and remember the programs provided by Mackinaw Township Recreation are for the children. By signing this policy, I agree to inform any additional guests I may bring to join in the recreation program and its events of the guidelines regarding zero tolerance.
No player will be allowed to participate in any Mackinaw Township Recreation activity, including player evaluations, practice, or games until this form is completed in full and returned to the Mackinaw Township Recreation office to be filed.
Photo & Video Policy

Photos and video are periodically taken of participants during sporting events. Please be aware these photos and videos may be placed on the Mackinaw Township Recreation Group website and Facebook page to promote the current sport.

* indicates required fields

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