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2019 Score Posting

Please Note that this form should not be used for T-Ball, Novice Softball or Prep games where Scores are not recorded and standings are not kept - for NSB and Prep you MUST use the Umpire evaluation form (link in menu to the left) to confirm Umpire presence and provide feedback on their performance

Pitch Counts (Only Needed for Pony and Little League Other Divisions Skip and go down to Umpire and Field Evaluation)
Please Enter for both Teams

Game Highlights
Field Conditions
Please provide any issues/concerns you experienced with respect to the field
Umpire Evaluation
Was the umpire in a good position to make calls?
Did the umpire arrive on time??
Did the umpire notify the home team manager 24 hours in advance of game time?
Thank You

* indicates required fields