Free Agent Registration

On April 14th, 2024, NEO Roy Hobbs Baseball will be conducting the 3rd annual Free Agent Pool workout and evaluations for the 2024 Spring/Summer seasons.

This workout is free for all players. For this workout players will be asked to take some batting practice, infield, outfield, or both. Pitchers will throw a small bullpen.

Workout will be held at Hudson High School Ballpark, from 11:00am - 2:00pm. This is a turf field so please wear turf shoes or molded cleats. NO METAL CLEATS are allowed. Also, no gum, seed, tobacco or colored drinks are allowed on the field.

Once these workouts have finished all Hobbs managers in attendance will conduct a draft. Players will be contacted, by the managers, after the draft about their new team.
Player fees will be communicated to the draft picks by the persent representatives of each team as they may differ in total.

If you plan to attend, you will need to complete a NEORH Free Agent Workout and Draft Form [] for 2024. Link is also available under the Register Online section of the website. Please respond by filling out the form to let us know if you plan to attend or not.

Look forward to seeing all of you there and Good Luck!
Personal Information

Playing Preferences
Select the division(s) in which you are interested in participating.
Division date of eligibility: December 31, 2022. (Example: To be eligible for the Masters 45+ division, you must turn 45 by the end of the calendar year.)

What position(s) are you COMFORTABLE playing?
Select all that apply


* indicates required fields