2021-2022 Lions Travel Tryouts Registration


If you click yes a Carroll County background check will be required

If you click yes a Carroll County background check will be required


Authorization for Use of Photographic Likeness
I agree to allow Finksburg Baseball to take and utilize photographic images of the registered individual's for the purpose of promotion and publicizing of the programs and/or events. If I prefer to not allow the above registered participant/s to be photographed, I will contact ajdelgado@comcast.com to register my request
As we attempt to promote the most positive experience for the youth of Carroll County and surrounding areas, we are committed to the following standards. All coaches and spectators should read the following standards and sign below to indicate their willingness to abide by them. As parents/guardians of a player, you are responsible for yourself, as well as, all guests and family members who attend the game. In addition, the team’s coach will be held accountable for the behavior of their team’s spectators and will be disciplined accordingly if spectators do not uphold these standards. We are a Central Carroll Rec Council sponsored activity, and that all policies of Carroll County Recreation & Parks , and Central Carroll Rec Council will be implemented


1. Respect all participants, coaches, staff, officials, and volunteers at every practice or youth sports event and encourage all children to do the same.
2. Refrain from abusive or inappropriate language or gestures toward officials, volunteers, coaches, staff, and participants. With the exception of a congratulatory handshake or “high five,” never make inappropriate physical contact with participants, coaches, staff, officials, or volunteers.
3. Accept the decisions of the officials as being fair and performed to the best of their ability. Spectators shall never go onto the playing or practice field, or approach the official scorekeeper, while the game is in progress or immediately after the event. Allow the coach to take all questions, rule interpretations, or concerns to the appropriate tournament official.
4. Help ensure the safety of the playing area by reporting any unsafe hazards, removing trash, leaving food and beverages outside the practice or playing area when requested, refraining from the use of tobacco within 50 yards of playing field or program site and refraining from use of alcohol or other drugs at or immediately prior to all youth sports events.
5. Remember that the game is for youth – not adults.
I the parent of the above named child hereby give my approval to participate in any and all Finksburg Baseball activities. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including transportation to and from the activities, and I hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold Finksburg Baseball, the organizer’s sponsors, supervisors, participants and persons transporting my child to and from the activities, for any claim arising out of an injury to my child.

* indicates required fields