2022 Buddies Under 18 years old




I/We, the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the above-named child, do hereby grant my permission for my child to participant in youth athletic programs conducted by the Tuscarawas County Challenger (TCC). I assume any and all risks and hazards incidental to conduct, the activities and the transportation to and from all activities.

I/We do further hereby release, absolve indemnity, and hold harmless, the TCC, Board of Directors, Coaches, Volunteers, field owners, the leagues in which TCC is a member, sponsors, and the supervisors appointed, any and all of them.

In case of injury to my child, I/we understand that TCC does carry a secondary medical insurance to my primary medical insurance. I/We hereby waive all claims against the organizers, the sponsors, TCC, field owners, Leagues and any of the supervisors appointed over them. I/We likewise release all responsibility, of any persons transporting my child to and from any and all TCC activities.

I/We have read all of the above items and fully understand the statements. I/We will abide by the aforementioned waiver of liability and the rules and regulations as set forth by the TCC Board of Directors

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