2024 GHBL Player Registration (Updated)

Each player agrees, by signing the GHBL Liability Waiver, to completely and forever hold harmless the GHBL League, the League Organizers, League Directors and Officers, Public officials, Game Officials and Umpires, Volunteers, City of residence or game play, Province or Federal Government bodies, Landlords, Parks Staff and Maintenance Staff, and Sponsors from any and all claims for damage or compensation for injury or loss of any kind in the present, past or future.

Each player agrees, by signing the GHBL Liability Waiver, the GHBL is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of income, loss of revenue, loss of profit, loss of wages, loss of time, the accruement of debts or expenses, injury to personal property, or injury to any person whether in direct or indirect participation in the League or League events, or any other type of damage or loss.
This GHBL Liability Waiver is the only Waiver, and this Waiver cannot be added to, edited, changed, assumed, transferred, or amended by any other person or agreement.
The GHBL does not accept verbal waivers, or oral statements from any person from the GHBL as a valid substitute for this waiver. GHBL representatives are not authorized to change this waiver in any way. GHBL does not accept written, verbal or implied edits, additions or amendments to this waiver, even in the event the player manages to participate before first signing this waiver. Player waivers which contain statements, clauses or conditions which attempt to add, delete or amend these terms, will be accepted on the condition and understanding that any and all remedies will be determined by GHBL’s own and original terms in the original GHBL Liability Waiver.

Each player or participant in any GHBL event is expected to submit this signed waiver in advance of participation of any GHBL event to the GHBL. Any player who wishes to not submit a waiver, is not allowed to participate in any event associated with the GHBL, including games, practices, tournaments, try-outs, fundraisers, meetings, or any other activity related to the GHBL.

Information collected on this form is used solely for the purpose of protecting the League, its Executive, and all of it's participants. This information is never to be used, traded, sold, disseminated, released or shared to any third party except to provide information to relevant insurance providers, in case of an emergency, or where legally required to do so.

If for any reason you do not understand anything outlined in the GHBL Liability Waiver please contact the GHBL Register via email at ghblregister@hotmail.com with any comments, questions or concerns.


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