2022 NHSPA Membership Form

North Hills Soccer Parents Association (NHSPA) is the parent booster organization that supports the North Hills School District 7th-12th Grade Boys Soccer program. All participants are expected to join the NHSPA. Your $100 per HS player or $50 per MS player membership fee enables us to provide the NH Boys Soccer Players with drinks, food, and team banquets. Additional players in the same family are only $70 for HS or $30 for MS.
Show your support for your child, his coaches, teammates and all NH Boys Soccer Teams by joining in our efforts.
The NHSPA will implement all player and parent contacts into the rosters of the TeamSnap accounts for each team (Varsity/JV; Middle School White; Middle School Red). Each person has the ability to set the privacy of his or her contacts. The contacts will not be published publicly outside of TeamSnap, and will only be used for necessary team communications.

* indicates required fields

IMPORTANT: Online Payment with credit cards is not active for this form