Player Arrival

Every effort should be made to attend all practices, games, tournaments and be on time. That means, on the field, warming up by the start time designated by the coach. Be on time for all baseball/softball related activities. If you are running late please call the coaching staff. Parent shall be solely responsible for ensuring that the player is transported to and from all practices, games, tournaments and related activities. Such transportation shall be at the parent's sole expense. Absences If a player must miss a practice, he/she must call the coach. If a player misses a practice, he/she should not expect to start the following game, though,The coach reserves the right to make this decision at his/her discretion Injuries/Insurance In the event of an injury, if possible, the player should still attend practice. Much can be learned from helping coaches and listening to practice. If the player becomes injured or becomes ill during a game or practice, it is their responsibility to report it to a coach immediately. Last but not Least all players will be in uniform for all practices and games.

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