2025 Registration Form - Jasper Youth Softball League


One Player per form

Please fill one form per player. You may send payment for all players at once, but each player needs her own form.

Jasper Youth Softball League


Base Fee - $30 per player through February 28th - Regular Open Sign-Ups

Player Fee w/ $20 Late Fee - $50 total - March 1st - March 7th

Any sign up allowed after March 7th is subject to a $50 additional late fee.

Possible Additional Fees -

Out of City - $10 per player

Concession Opt Out - $20 per family

Late Fees will be added to the form after the initial sign up period has ended





I/We the parent of the above named candidate for a pisition on the JASPER YOUTH SOFTBALL LEAGUE, hereby give my/our approval for her participation in any and all league activities during the current season. I/We assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including transporation to and from activites, and I/We do waive, relase, indeminify and agree to hold harmless JASPER YOUTH SOFTBALL LEAGUE AND IT'S OFFICERS, THE CITY OF JASPER, IT'S BOARDS, ELECTED AND APPOOINTED OFFICIALS, AND ITS EMPLOYEES, the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants, and person transporting my/our daughter to and from activities for any claim arising out of an in jury to my/our daughter, except to the extent and in amount covered by accident and/or liability insurance help by the local league. We further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the JASPER YOUTH SOFTBALL LEAGUE, AND IT'S OFFICERS, THE CITY OF JASPER, ITS BOARD, ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS AND ITS EMPLOYEES from all claims for loss, damage, or injury sustained by any person caused by accident or the negligence of the above candidate. I authorize coaches or umpires to administer first aid or take my child to the hospital if needed. Payment must be received by February 28th, otherwise a $20 late payment fee may occur and late sign ups have a hard deadline of March 7, 2025
Payment Options -

Pay via check -

Make check payable to - Jasper Youth Softball

Jessica Mehringer
Jasper Youth Softball
1122 Schuetter Road
Jasper, IN 47546

Pay via Venmo -



* indicates required fields