1/12 games at West Boynton Park and Seminole Check with your manager on where you play  


(If you don't have information for required blanks please type NONE in that blank)
Please check the appropriate box if you are a tournament player:
Please check only ONE box:
Express Assumption of the Risk

I expressly contact and agree not to sue any other participant of the Prime Time Senior Softball. I understand that this express contract and agreement is a total bar from recovery for those known and unknown risks inherent in the contact sport of softball, including senior softball for those aged fifty five (55) and above, and for contracting, spreading, infecting others, or becoming infected, with the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19). I agree that i am voluntarily participating in the Prime Time Senior Softball League. I waive my right to be free from those bodily contacts inherent in the contact sport of softball, including senior softball for those fifty five (55) and above, and for contracting, spreading, infecting others, or becoming infected, with the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19). I agree that I have full knowledge and appreciation of the dangers inherent in the contact sport of softball, including senior softball for those fifty five (55) and above and for contracting, spreading, infecting others, or becoming infected, with the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) while playing softball, including senior softball for those fifty five (55) and above, and including that CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) can be spread and one can become infected by many different means, including but not limited to, from person to person, through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes as the droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs, when people are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet), by touching an object with the virus on the object. I understand there is no cure for the virus, no vaccine for the virus, and catching or contracting the virus can lead to death, damage to important body organs, it can affect your upper respiratory tract (sinuses, nose, and throat) or lower respiratory tract (windpipe and lungs), and it can cause you to spread it further to other people. I will not participate in playing if i am Covid positive. Iw\ will only play if i am negitive for Covid

Exculpatory Clause

I hereby release Prime Time Senior Softball and all of its agents, officers, directors, servants, team sponsors, league officials, employees, and any other parties connected with the league from any liability whatsoever in connection with any negligent acts by Prime Time Senior Softball as well as in connection with the running, the planning, the participating in any and all softball games, practices, pick up games, and/or run and/or scheduled by Prime Time Senior Softball, all on behalf of myself and all other participants. The scope of this release shall include, but not limited to, damages or losses or injuries encountered in connection with transportation, food, medical concerns (physical and emotional), entertainment, photographs and physical injury of any kind. I further agree to hold harmless and to release Prime Time Senior Softball from and against any and all claims and causes of action of every kind arising from any physical or emotional injuries and/or damages which may happen to me. I further agree to hold harmless and to release Prime Time Senior Softball from and against any and all claims and causes of action of every kind arising from any physical or emotional injuries and/or damages which may happen to me because of contracting, spreading, infecting others, or becoming infected, with the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19). I have read and understood and voluntarily and knowingly agree to all of the terms as noted above. I understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and I sign it freely and voluntarily.
1. Waiver and Release of Liability (injury to myself or to my personal property)
In consideration of acceptance of this entry I, for myself, my heirs, successors, and assigns, waive any and all claims and hold harmless Prime Time Senior Softball,
(PTSSL), its Board of Directors, Senior Softball Players, and County, their agents or employees, and Team sponsors from and against any and all loss of liability, charges and expenses (including attorney’s fees) and causes of action of whatsoever character which may arise by travel to and from, and participation in the PTSS from Dec 31,2022 to Dec. 31, 2023. By signing below I expressly agree that this waiver and release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law and that if any portion of this waiver and release is held to be invalid by a court or other trier of fact, the remainder shall continue in full legal force and effect.
2. Hold harmless (injury to others or to other property) I will indemnify and hold harmless Prime Time Senior Softball, It’s players, and Sponsors from any loss or liability (bodily injuries, illness, or death, and/or for damage to property, including the loss of use thereof) which results or is alleged to have resulted from my participation in this event.
3. Player responsibility for procuring Insurance
I am fully aware that Prime Time Senior Softball., and its players, carry no medical insurance for any participants and that I am solely responsible for securing my own
insurance, and that my team is responsible for securing its own insurance.
4. Manager familiarity with rules
My manager has informed me that he has read the current Official Senior Softball Guide and Playing Rules and has advised me of the contents thereof.
5. Assumption of Risk
I am fully aware of the inherent risks and hazards in connection with my participation in any PBSS game or tournament, including injury, illness, disability, and death. I understand this risk includes the exposure to or contraction of communicable diseases, including, but not limited to, COVID-19. I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME THE RISK OF ANY INJURIES OR ILLNESS, REGARDLESS OF THE SEVERITY, AND INCLUDING DEATH that I may incur to myself and all risk of damage to or loss of property which may occur because of my participation. I understand that this assumption of risk includes, without limitation, risks associated with (1) maintenance of condition of the playing field, (2) the condition of accessories thereto (backstops, fences, irrigation facilities, bases, mounds, bat racks, bleachers, and dugouts), and (3) equipment
supplied by the Parks and Recreation Department of the City, County, or Tournament Organizers or Sponsors. I recognize that I am solely responsible for my decisions to participate in any game in this Prime Time Senior Softball league or tournament.
6. Softball Skills
I am familiar with the skills required to participate in this League presented by Prime Time Senior Softball, then county and its sponsors, (including batting, running, and
throwing) and have satisfied myself that I am proficient in these skills.
7. Health
I am in good health and have no physical conditions that would prevent me from participating in Prime Time Senior Softball League. I agree to be vaccinated and show proof of this to play in the Prime Time Senior Softball league.
In consideration of the acceptance my entry I hereby waive and release the Prime Time Senior Softball League, its agents, team sponsors, league officials and any other parties connected with the league from all damages or actions what-so-ever in any manner arising or growing out of my participation in the Prime Time Senior Softball League. I attest that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained in this type of activity and will be 55 by December 31, 2025. ****By my signature I accept all the rules and by-laws of the Prime Time Senior Softball League. Also, I will assume personal liability for any and all damages incurred to another player if such player is injured as a result of me knowingly using an illegal bat. Effective May 1, 2015, all slow pitch senior softball bats shall be considered eligible bats and may be used in league play, practice sessions and pickup games. Any batter entering the batters' box with an illegal, altered or modified bat shall be declared "out", ejected from the game and an out shall be recorded in that batting position for the balance of the game. ILLEGAL: An illegal bat in the Prime Time Senior Softball League is any slow pitch senior softball bat that is modified in any way in which it deviates from the normal striking power that the manufacturer intended. Bats used in our league must not be tampered with to increase power, increase or decrease length, cut, modified, hollowed out or filled with any or all substances that will alter its original composition.
After completing the registration form click on the "SUBMIT FORM" button at the bottom of this form and your registration will be automatically recorded with the league. Mail your check to made payable to PRIME TIME SENIOR SOFTBALL to:

Dennis Pisseri
8281 Arabian Range Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33473

or Zelle to


please include in notes- Name, address and phone number

BE SURE to include your name and address in the envelope if it is not on your check. No player will be assigned to a team if they have not submitted their payment prior to the start of the season.


* indicates required fields