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Online Forms: Registation, Coaches Application

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** 2019 Blenheim Bees Registration **
The baseball season will run approximately May through August, and T-Ball will run for 8 weeks starting in late May/early June. Tryouts for rep/OBA teams will begin in April 2019. To play for the rep/OBA team, there will be an extra $200 fee for Rookie** and $150 fee for Mosquito and Peewee. This additional fee covers expenses associated with Rep baseball. This fee will be collected after the rep/OBA team is selected. * There is a $10 processing fee for refunds ($5 for T-Ball). ** The extra $50 for rep/OBA Rookie pertains to the difference in umpire-costs between Rep and River leagues
Head Coach Application
2019 Coach Application Form - Deadline August 31, 2018