Manager/Coach Application
Fill this form out if you wish to be a coach or manager of a team at any level.
Use this form to pay outstanding fees.

Use this form if you would like to make a donation to Litchfield Park Little Leage. Please contact Craig Crafton at if you are interested in sponsorship information.
Become a Member of LPLL Board of Directors
This form is filled out when an individual has interest in becoming an LPLL Board Member. All positions are volunteer positions and help to shape the league each year.

The management of the property and affairs of the local league shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The directors shall, upon election, immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified.

The Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint such standing and special committees as it shall determine by the constitution and to delegate such powers to them as the board shall deem advisable and which it may properly delegate.

The board may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings and the management of the league as it may deem proper.

The board shall have the power by a two-thirds vote of those present at any regular or special meeting to discipline, suspend or remove any director or officer or committee member of the league, subject to provisions of the constitution.