New Player/Team/Umpire Signup

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New Player/Manager Signup
The League is always looking for new players. If you're interested in playing, but don't have a team, register with us and we'll contact teams looking for players and get them in touch with you. Click on the link above to register.
New Team Signup
The League is always looking for new teams. The earlier that you apply, in writing, the better the chance of obtaining a spot for the upcoming season. Openings become available when teams decide to move on or when additional diamond time from the City of Mississauga becomes available to the League. The League is always in an expansion mode. For more information contact the League and we will send you a Franchise Application Form or download an application

League Fees - $2300 + $300 Bond

Required on Registration ($300 Deposit + $300 Bond)

Click on the link above to register.
New Umpire Signup
The MMSPL has its own umpire association and is always looking for new umpires. If you a carded umpire or would like to become one, please click on the link above and we'll be in touch.