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Message Board Guidelines
Welcome to, the greatest site in the history of the internet. We are glad you have found us, and hope your stay is enjoyable.
While it may seem like a lot of rules to follow (see below), you really have to go out of your way to break them.
The idea is to operate a message board that Central fans can use and enjoy, and that fans of opposing schools can use to communicate respectfully with Central fans. The site is free and registration is open to anyone. However, the future of this site depends on the cooperation, participation, and support of its members, and the respect of the guidelines that help govern it. The administrators rely on the members to advise them of violations of the forum rules.
That being said... TERMS OF SERVICE
1. DO choose your user name carefully when you first register. Search the Member List to check for names that are similar to yours.
2. DO NOT “flame the board.” “Flaming” is the deliberate act of creating a post in order to incite members of the board and invoke a negative response.
3. DO NOT expect any tolerance for statements, opinions, or views that are bigoted, racist, sexist, or hateful. Further, linking to sites that contain such content is prohibited.
4. DO NOT engage in personal attacks on other users. Healthy debate is expected and encouraged, but take the childish insults elsewhere. This is particularly true with regard to visitors from other schools. Moderators will be especially watchful for verbal abuse, ridicule, ad hominem attacks, and stalking.
5. DO NOT engage in baseless criticism of athletes, coaches, administrators. Personal attacks and insults are prohibited.
6. DO NOT post ANY adult or sexually explicit content OR links to adult or sexually explicit content.
7. DO NOT use ANY profanity. Profanity is discouraged, and depending on the context in which it is used, might result in removal of your post.
8. DO choose a subject line that accurately describes the content of your post. Do not use deceptive subjects to attract attention to your post. Do not use one or two-word subjects that provide no description. And do not post in ALL CAPS.
9. DO NOT threaten another user with physical violence or retribution of any nature whatsoever.
10. DO take a minute to check for an existing thread on a topic of interest to you before starting a new thread.
11. DO not posting anything that could potentially harm (or embarrass) Central or
Enforcement of these rules lay with the board administrators. Violations may subject the user to suspension or, in some cases, removal of the user’s account.
The administrators of reserve the right to delete, edit, or move any post. What follows is a non-exhaustive list of reasons why a post might be deleted, edited, or moved.
• Your post(s) will be whacked if you:
o “Call someone out.”
o “Spam” the board, i.e., attempt to sell goods or services, or direct users to commercial sites, without prior authorization from board management.
o Threaten anyone.
o Stalk another poster, i.e., repeatedly reply to his/her posts for the purpose of ridiculing, mocking, insulting, or flaming.
o Post pictures or link to web sites showing nude men or women, male or female genitalia, or female nipples. This includes images in which such features can be seen through clothing. For women, "nude" means without top and/or bottom. Administrators may block any other images deemed inappropriate.
o Post copyrighted material from other web sites.
o Create outlandish posts with no other purpose but to flame.