| Shizz
October 8, 2005 5:33:04 PM
Entry #: 1082009
People will look at the score and say "Rams got killed again" but in reallity the game snowballed on the Rams again. it was 26-6 until the big TD run and the other big run. really the turning point of the game I think was when Matt Smith fumbled and Brownstown recovered which in turn set up Brownstown's second score. I think if the Rams would've stopped the Braves first score (when it was 4th and I think 7 or 4th and 3) the momenturm would've kept rolling. Then there was Conley who by himself stopped like 2 or 3 drives. To me (besides his 5 sacks) the highlight of the night was Cnoley chasing down the Casey Maxie kid after maxie had broken through the secondary. (For those who weren't there Maxie broke through the line and got by Dylan Long Conley comes from around the line of scrimmage and chases the kid down). To me it's sad that Conley is the only one getting sacks. I see players getting close and slipping or they have the QB and the QB breaks the tackle. I liked that at least Brownstown's Coach Reed May gave a compliment about Conley but Scalf ignores it (well can't really say ignore but could've not been put in or typed). Well anyway
Until next time Shiz