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Author TOPIC: Inside Game?

December 2, 2005
8:41:30 AM

Entry #: 1171721

A thought crossed my mind and that is thsi team could be special but too me they are still soft in the fact that there's no inside posting up or anything. And I think that will change as the season goes along but in the early season the Rams could lose some games with teams who have good post players. Sibbitt has Garrett at this time playing Power Forward which I think is a positive just for the fact that Garrett too me is like Lamar Odom in which he can play 3 positions (or possibly even 4)I still think The Rams will be successful playing tight agressive to a point man to man but depending on how good or how athletic the other teams post players are The Rams might struggle. If I was running the team I would make the defense think and what I mean is I owuld give Garrett the ball on the wing and let him make the choice if he wants to take the defender in or post him up etc.

Until next time Shiz


December 4, 2005
10:14:21 PM

Entry #: 1174828

You know the game vs. Lanesville was interesting I saw something that was too me one of the weirdest things I have seen in awhile and that was Chris Weikert got the ball in the post and he proceeds not too spin or go up for a shot but backs out for a worse percentage shot and takes a medium range jump shot?....It's sad when the so called best player fouls out and lacks effort like his other teammates. Now I liked seeing the post efforts of Brian Bush and Garrett Hutslar. Too me it seems like you have 3 or 4 players who are willing to take shots and create something and others who are undeceided on what to do. I still like how th Rams are starting to use mismatches and using Garrett in a "Scottie Pippen esque" mode.



December 9, 2005
6:04:29 PM

Entry #: 1182843
Shizz you are an idiot, you know nothing of basketball.But you still manage to comment on it. How did you gain this expertise in this feild. I've never seen you play on the high school team. I've never actually seen you play any sports what so ever. So if you could,please stop saying what you would do if you were coach.
Spare us your ignorance please


December 21, 2005
10:41:36 AM

Entry #: 1197701
Shizz you need to shut your mouth... You know nothing about basketball, so get over it. Quit trying to think that you know it all. Why don't you shut up while your ahead dude! Seriously..
Im over and out


December 21, 2005
11:45:04 AM

Entry #: 1197785

I find it odd how my opinions make me sound like I know it all in which I never said that I knew it all. It's also strange how when giving an opinion on someone or something if that someone or something is about a certain person in a positive way then there's backlash. People have to understand when I voice my opinion or give tips or stuff it's just an opinion no wait I should be the type of guy who goes around to players and says your perfect in everything you do even though the player/players aren't.


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