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Author TOPIC: Mike Brown....the best coach Paoli ever had.

December 23, 2005
9:56:45 AM

Entry #: 1200153
Talent and no talent. What did he do with it? How many confrence titles, sectionals, regionals, and semi-state games did he coach.

food for thought.


December 23, 2005
11:57:27 PM

Entry #: 1200932
Stretch you have issues. Apparently you consider yourself to be a basketball expert from what I've seen you post. I don't think anybody has denied that Brown was a good coach. Who are you trying to convince? Fields? I believe he has started numerous times that Brown was a good coach. He isn't God though. If Brown had wanted to continue coaching boys basketball he would have had hundreds, and I mean hundreds, of parents at the school board meeting demanding that he be kept on. He was the one that resigned. Nobody else. So coming on here and telling us how great he is seems a little ignorant to me.

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