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Author TOPIC: Ups and Downs

January 12, 2006
7:28:28 PM

Entry #: 1222380

I think there comes a time in the game where the team just doesn't care for about maybe a quarer or half a quarter and let teams that they should dominate get back into a game. Like I said before it comes down to passive aggressive (as in I don't want it i'll pass it to you and you do something with it). I'll use an example the Rams can't be like the early days Mike Tyson go in expect the quick knockout and that's that they have to be like a Sugar Ray Leonard match in the 80's they have to play well throughout thar game and peak at the right times to win. The interior defense too me is still sketchy. The big guys struggle with guys around their height and teams will come to learn that and come oh say sectional time that weakness if it's corrected will be great but if it's not it will open up some easy scoring chances. one final thing I've heard people say the shooting touch isn't there but if you aren't a good shooter in the first place and you try and be a better shooter and force a shot then your chances are going to be greater about missing the shot then that becomes a mental thing and then that leads to opposing teams knowing and it makes a tiny little thing become a humongous thing. The kinda have to be like gunslingers (or a rifleman) and just catch it and shoot it and don't worry about it.

I'm Out


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