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Author TOPIC: A Struggling Season

January 17, 2006
5:14:47 PM

Entry #: 1228343

How far a team can fall. I watched the Dubois game and as I was watching it I trued to look at everything at the same time. And the interior people struggle if you watch Weikert throughout the games he'll just stand dead still for a few seconds. I read in the paper how Sibbitt talks about Weikert getting beat to the block and shoved out of the block. Watching the game and noticing him standong around I start to think is that why he gets beat? Anyway moving on to the biggest problem so far and that is shooting. Some shooting has to do with touch and rhythm. And hate to say it but none of the players seem to have it. Now granted if they hit a few they may get hot for a few minutes buit then as soon as they miss one they're back to square one. The games I have watched this season so far the Rams will play agood 1st quarter butr for the middle quarter (2nd and 3rd) the seem not to care or seem lost. And by that time it's too late to make a charge. Another thing that bothered me was it was in the 4th quarter and The Rams were down like 4 or 5 points. Weikert recieves a pass does a kangaroo hop and shoots a 15 footer that he's not great at. I'm just waiting for a plyer to have a break out game and average over 10 ppg. I think the team as a whole are overlooking a gem in Hutslatr a versatile player who is out of position. He may not be as good of player as a Scottie Pippen but he could be as versatile. hekc he even could be a Lamr Odom-like if he is used in the right way.

Until a later date


top of the key

January 18, 2006
11:30:06 AM

Entry #: 1229579
You are very right about this team not having any player who has the touch to knock down shot after shot. Perhaps the best shooter on the team is the Lankford kid, he knocks down open shots more often than anyone else yet he doesn't get very many looks because there are not many plays with him coming off a screen and spotting up. Hutslar could be a good player whoever he is sometimes too passive. I would like to see Hutslar take it to the basketball. I'm not sure what position you would like to have Hutslar play.....he plays out on the wings and sometimes flashes to the blocks but like before mentioned, he is sometimes too passive about getting the ball. The bottom line is that in all likely hood the most skilled player on the team is Joe Goodman. I wish Goodman would get a little more PT, he's been pulling down about 10 or 12 boards a game for the JV....and he can put the ball in the bucket.


January 19, 2006
12:19:22 AM

Entry #: 1230969
I think what position you put Garrett I would throughout the game have him play a little PG/SG/SF maybe Power Forward they key with this is they would have to keep rotating different players too him and every offensive trip down the floor the defense would be confused who has to guard him. Garrett is a 15-16 point per game scorer he gets enough touches to score that many but unfortunately like you said he's too passive on plays. Moving on Goodman in my opinion should be getting major minutes this year. A player like he is would help the toughness factor on the varsity. Another thing i just thought of was how the two starting guards don't most tof the time lead other players into good shots. They either drive to the basket force a pass or force a 3. I'm not a big fan of when people say when there's no big scorer the team will be better but if you look at it ot really weakens a team for the simple reason that ego sets in and ya know sometimes you do what's best for you instead of what's good for the team. In which it's back to the same scenario. i think one positive about a scorer is that it leads to good looks for his teammates taht is if the scorer can get the ball to his teammates in the right position to score.


top of the key

January 19, 2006
10:42:31 AM

Entry #: 1231351
Hutslar could be a 12ppg scorer but really not much more than that, he isn't able to knock down the outside shot and he isn't that quick off the dribble so people could put a defender of medium size on him and when he tried to post up they could double team from either the other forward position or from Matt Smith because it is evident that even if Hutslar would recognize that he is being double teamed, once he kicked it out to the open man it would be another missed outside shot. This brings me to my next point that a big time scorer is almost always good for a team. If you look at the teams that are winning games, at any level of basketball, they all have a guy that can get 20 every night. There may be some guys out there who would rather get their points than win the game but the mojority of good players would much rather average 5 less points and win more games than visa versa. I still contend that the Rams need to force the ball inside to Wiekert after the teach him how to really post up and then they need to crash the glass with Hutslar and Lankford. I also say that there are only 2 or 3 guys who should be allowed to fire outside shots, Lankford, Warren, and perhaps Zach Patton. Everyone else should not shoot a shot outside of 15 feet. This rams team needs somebody to step up and have a scorers mentality, if one guys can begin to score it will open things up for everyone else.


January 19, 2006
9:31:32 PM

Entry #: 1232632

I agree this team needs a "Big Shot Rob" person to step up and start scoring. The problem this team has besides maybe Lankford is they have to knock down a 3 before getting confidence. They may be go 0-3 before making a 3 Lankford is the only one I guess you can add A.J. in there at times who can make at least one out of his first two 3 point attempts. Too me if you force things inside then that cuases turnovers and deflections. The thing I haven't seen in years an dI know Brown taught his players was the "tip Drill" where one of our players would sneak up on a ballhandler bringing up the ball and tip it from behind him. But then again there's alot of things that was taught good and now thy're not.



January 22, 2006
1:35:58 AM

Entry #: 1235260
I think Hutslar could have been one of our best if he hadn't warmed the bench for three years and lost his confidence. He was higher scorer from 5th grade til 8th almost without exception. When he hit JV and Varsity is when he was sat down. You can't beat those boys down then expect them to shoot when they've been taught if they do they sit the bench. Hutslar should be playing 3 man. Weikert needs to be under the basket where he belongs.

Sibbitt should have thought ahead. He hasn't done that so far. Last year Patton and Weikert were the only players that got consistent playing time. Now look what's happened this year.

top of the key

January 22, 2006
12:53:38 PM

Entry #: 1235611
It is no secret that the juniors last year should have played more varsity at least to get them ready for this year. The problem there in lies with the fact that the past two seasons there have been 6 or 7 seniors on the team. Now....that can be ok if you play 11 guys and the juniors are getting to see time as well but when the coach plays only seniors then it's gonna be a disaster the next year. The same is true with this season, all 5 starters and the first player off the bench are seniors; what's that gonna do for next year??? I propose that next season Sibbitt plays a few of the seniors; Cercelius, Andry, Lankford and a few of the juniors; Goodman, Evans, Warner, and then he plays a few of the freshmen; Raymer, Springer, Laswell. I like those 9 guys and perhaps a couple of sophmore. That could be a nice way to begin to build the program back up. The rest of this season is gonna be tough though. Like I've said, I think the rams may win 2 more game could be less.


January 22, 2006
9:34:04 PM

Entry #: 1236183

I think it takes a few years after a so called "dynasty yeras" to find the right mix of players and grades to find success. Too me ususally after those dynasty years a coach takes more of a win now mentality and are also forced to use the players he has at his disposle to try and win now rather that be all Seniors or all Freshmen. And for the rams it's been all seniors. It's not the coahces fault that there has been a group of players in one grade rather than 2-3 in this grade or 2-3 in that grade and so on and so on. Next year we will start seeing the normal trend of having 3 in this grade and 3 in the other grades. Will it be successful probably but you also have to look at the depth of grades we will have from the current 8th grade to the current 5th grade all seem like strong grades. Sorry if this posyt went off topic just had to explain how I felt about it.


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