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Author TOPIC: Passing

January 19, 2006
3:27:11 PM

Entry #: 1231916
I think that one of the reasons we are not shooting well is becouse of our passing. We simply are not a good passing team yet. Unlike last years team this team wants to pass the ball to the open man, but becouse of them looking down at the ground, or giving up on the offense to early, we get the ball in bad many times have we all seen a player open and think pass it, it gets there, but late, messing up the shooters timing.and its not only the guards, its the entire team. I think that if this team could just get a quality win over a good oponent the season would turn also looks to me as if the players are trying to hard to stay out of foul trouble and are not crashing the offensive boards like they can.if you shoot 25% from the floor you should have alot of boards.I have seen this team play alot of games and they might not have won all of them, but they never got outrebounded by closing this is a good team, no big heads on this team, they all care for every player on the team(not only the seniors) well i hadn't posted for while and these are just my thoughts. just remember to lift these kids up and not put them down. give me a player who believes he can, and guess what, "HE CAN"

top of the key

January 19, 2006
4:25:25 PM

Entry #: 1232037
Part of the bad shooting of this team is poor passing, part of it is a lack of skill. Had more than two of these players played significant minutes last year then perhaps this would be a different team but that didn't happen so it was like starting from square one. I believe that this players care about each other and all that good mushy stuff but the bottom line is the team needs to find a way to win games period! I really see this team winnning maybe one or two more games this year, they may be able to win over Salem and perhaps North Harrison but they have picked up 5 wins against bad teams thus far and any team that has any talent and coaching at all has not only beat them but had them beat with 4 or 5 minutes left in the game. This team also has one of the biggest dissapointments in a good while in Chris Wiekert, this kid was supposed to be a great player but he plays timmid and goofy. I hope that the players don't get on and read this because if they do then this will surely not bring them confidence however I think it's the coaches and parents jobs to keep the players from reading things posted about them. I know that's what the staff and parents had to do with players like Seacat and many others. This team has a long way to go before they can compete for a sectional title.


January 19, 2006
8:17:15 PM

Entry #: 1232498
The players do read the post on here.As for Chris he is doing what he is told.If he blocks shots he gets in trouble,he is not allowed to shoot hookshots,and is to stay out of foul trouble. fouls have always been a part of his game, and he loves to play physical. but simply like I said he is doing what he is told to do.


January 19, 2006
9:16:56 PM

Entry #: 1232612

I just wish there was a Steve Nash or Jason kidd like Point Guard on this team. I agree with most of the passes are late and not on their spot at the right time. It could help if all 5 players on the court set up their teammates for good looks.


top of the key

January 20, 2006
5:49:50 PM

Entry #: 1233959
First of all I think every basketball team in the state wishes they had a guard like Steve Nash or Jason Kidd....I mean these guys are some of the best at what they do however, it doesn't take a Nash or Kidd to get the ball to the takes a guy with a little bit of basketball smarts and one that can throw a little bounce pass in to the big guy. However, when you don't have any big guys that will post up hard it's tough to through the ball into the post. Next time you watch the rams watch closely how Wiekert plays, he doesn't play physical...he plays like he might break a nail or something. He never posts up on the block but if by some odd turn of events does post up and get the ball on the block he shoots a fad away jump shot or takes a dribble away from the basket and fires a 10 footer, which is seldom makes. This guy is not a physical player at are right that fouls are a part of his game....but why should that be. Just because he is a big guy doesn' tmean that he has to foul...the best big men in the game don't foul out of games very often; this is because they are smart and realize that sometimes the only thing that can happen if they try to block a shot is a foul or worst a 3 point play. I would like to believe you when you say that Chris is a physical player...but lets face it, he's not! He never just takes the ball and goes up through the opponent to get to the basket. I think that Wiekert is a good kid and he plays hard but he has not lived up to the hype. The rams best post player is Joe Goodman....hands down. I hope that Chris learns how to post up hard and not fall away from the pass when it comes to the post and I hope the Rams will get him the ball but until both of those things happen the rams will continue to struggle.


January 22, 2006
9:17:58 PM

Entry #: 1236153

I think against Southridge The Rams did a good job of making sure of at times making an extra pass to get the opne person who has the better shot. Als the team didn't seem to make a pass shoot a 3 and go basically one and out.



January 28, 2006
8:36:28 PM

Entry #: 1246010
Out of the "What the heck?" category I was at the Corydon game and someone told me that ol Weikert facialized Greg Oden and made Olden fall on his rear. Let me make it a visual theguy said Weikert and Oden both jumped and Weikert slamed it over him. Anyway had to share that story. Ya know it's sad when someone has to lie like that to put a player over.


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