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Author TOPIC: Rams vs. Corydon

January 28, 2006
8:45:57 PM

Entry #: 1246018
Family memebers used to tell me "You can either take and ass whipping or you can give an ass kicking." Well the Rams got the first against Corydon. If Weikert would do something inside maybe this team could get inside. I was watching and the palyers would miss the open guy right next too them. The would either not pass to him or create on his own shot. It's sad that a good team can play horrible. The Rams tend to play good defesme in spurts and well against Corydon the fell to do either one. There's really not a lot the Rams can offer they just down have the "it" certain area teams seem to have and what the Paoli teams used to have.

Until next time


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