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Author TOPIC: Sectional

February 26, 2006
5:24:43 PM

Entry #: 1292669
I's sectional time and a chance for the rams to win another sectional at Chambers Gymnasium. The Rams draw Linton in the openeing night of sectional. If the Rams play like they did against Crawford the fans should look for an early exit. This is the time of year where you bring out ewverything you have kept up under lock and key and show what you have. Will the Rams set back and let Linton shoot them out of the building or are they going to come out ready to stomp the crap out of them. Teams preobabaly know that the Ras zone is eay to make 3's over and if the rams break out in zone then you might just look towards the exits. Linton isn't tall so inside we should be ok could get alot of inside points that night and draw alot of fouls. I don't think the Rams need to hurry to make a shot if the shot isn't there back it out and reset for a play. The other teams in the sectional aren't unbeatable but if the Rams don't come out with an "A" game then that team may make them seem like they are 20-0 instead of like 9-9 9-10 or whatever their record are. I think The Rams ahve a shot to win sectional but the mistakes hey give the other team has to be limited if they expect to stay in or have a chance to win a game.


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