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Author TOPIC: dropped ball by Clear Lake

June 20, 2006
6:19:17 PM

Entry #: 1516485
I was interested in the ruling on that and I was right that you can't intentionally drop a ball, even if no infield fly rule was called, which it shouldn't have been.

here is the ruling:
"The infield fly rule doesn't apply to line drives or a bunted ball. There's an additional rule that applies to an intentionally dropped ball including line drives and fly balls when the infield fly rule is not called. This rule states that the batter is out if a defensive player intentionally drops the ball with the intention of gaining a defensive advantage by not catching it. An example is there's a runner on first and a line drive is hit to the shortstop close to second base. The shortstop drops the ball in order to try and turn a double play. This rule differs from the infield fly rule in a number of ways:

This rule can apply with a runner on first base or first and third in addition to the force plays listed for the infield fly rule
This rule can be called by the umpire after the play occurs. An infield fly rule must be called when the ball is in the air.
Once the umpire has made the call, the ball is dead and the base runners must return to their original bases. They cannot advance on the play.

An important part of this rule to understand is that the rule doesn't apply if the infielder permits the ball to drop untouched to the ground. So, if the shortstop, in the example above let's the ball hit the ground before fielding it (even though he could have caught it in the air), the rule doesn't apply."

The important thing is that the guy did touch the ball so Dan could have called the batter out and have the runner stay. Yhetti should have ran it out but they still weren't right in doing that.


June 20, 2006
7:12:48 PM

Entry #: 1516574


June 21, 2006
1:52:36 AM

Entry #: 1517269
C-Bass, thanks for letting the rule be known. from now on, i will histle a lot more so there is no confusion. at least i know now though that the clear lake is like the rest of stupid st. cloud teams and will pull any generic shenanagins to try to win a game. dont hate me for my lack of concentration, cuz i love the birds.


June 21, 2006
9:10:54 AM

Entry #: 1517611
Yhetti don't be so hard on yourself, I was just making the point not trying to rip on anyone. nobody questions your Bird loyalty and pride. Be ready to go this weekend.


June 21, 2006
9:49:45 AM

Entry #: 1517693
Bert was going to over rule him, but wanted to keep you boys fired up!!


June 21, 2006
10:51:06 AM

Entry #: 1517870
Straaaaaaaaaaa! the infamous strike call

Hamms Premium

June 21, 2006
4:56:42 PM

Entry #: 1518962


June 21, 2006
7:50:08 PM

Entry #: 1519292
Yooouuu'rrrrrrrrrrreee Outtttttttttttttt!!!!1


June 22, 2006
12:28:10 PM

Entry #: 1520735
Now where's my lighter??

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