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Author TOPIC: Discovery

August 1, 2006
11:27:05 PM

Entry #: 1595017
Has anyone by chance checked out the discovery channel??? In case you missed it, it is "Shark" week on the channel!

Just thought I would throw that out there!


August 2, 2006
12:09:54 AM

Entry #: 1595068
I'm a rookie to this posting rubbish, but it looks fun, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. hey pizzle, where is the best place to take your mom out to eat? I figured that after I took her out to eat, we'd sit down and watch your "Shark" week and watch the "shark" dominate everything in sight...hmmm, a little foreshadowing anybody?


August 2, 2006
12:11:53 AM

Entry #: 1595070
Every week is Shark week... on the FORUM.

Shark Attack

August 2, 2006
8:40:19 AM

Entry #: 1595388
What up Abercrombie!

kyle lohse

August 2, 2006
9:22:05 AM

Entry #: 1595490
is that where you were last night abercrombie?


August 2, 2006
10:51:47 AM

Entry #: 1595706
yes, yes it was...I had actaully forgotten about the bad...did ya'll play it in that rain anyway?


August 2, 2006
12:21:58 PM

Entry #: 1595934
we needed you Reggie


August 2, 2006
1:29:36 PM

Entry #: 1596129
Hey... who'se the big, fat, Shark batter who looks like the dad from the "FAMILY GUY"?

You know the guy... the one who practically does the splits when he gets into his batting stance... the lefty who looks like a white version of "Fat Albert"? The guy who makes a rut in the base paths when he runs!


August 2, 2006
4:00:56 PM

Entry #: 1596558
a man that will knock naughtons fast ball 530 feet


August 3, 2006
4:26:50 PM

Entry #: 1598894
Or the Roosters will bring in Naughton in the top of the 4th to face this "beast" and strike him out, then proceed to dominate the rest of the fishies en route to another Rooster victory over the Shark, standard deal.


August 3, 2006
4:42:23 PM

Entry #: 1598932
Is Pizzle the Urine that drips out of a man's dick when he's got an enlarged prostate? Does this mean that Pizzle needs "DEPENDS" to keep from pizzling on himself while up to bat?

Or does this only happen to Pizzle when "Family Guy" whiffs against the Roosters?!


August 3, 2006
5:53:04 PM

Entry #: 1599070
wow what a performance by naughton, pitched so many scoreless innings. way to have faith in that jock itch! Why didnt you start that "stud" against us? Outcome may have been different, we would of had at least one hit!

Yaz for douche of the year!

By the way it was most likely me swinging and missing not "family guy"

Tri City Shark

August 3, 2006
6:26:51 PM

Entry #: 1599135
Standard deal, yep once in the last three seasons out of 6 total games and not many immediately preceding that one. Being "statman of the year", should we toss out the scores again? Congrats again and keep hanging your hat on that one victory. Oh yeah, and since you like to comment on "questionable" wins, great "rainout" win over North End.

Jordan Roering

August 4, 2006
3:11:02 PM

Entry #: 1600793
questionable? lets see here, after the "incident" in which we tried to cancel a game because of our field, we received a notice from the commish about getting games in, which we please do explain how that win was questionable. Maybe it wasn't fair how the game ended, but we tried to get the game in......good luck with your 2 and bbq in state, stay hot Tri City Shark.

Tri City Shark

August 4, 2006
4:02:33 PM

Entry #: 1600890
We tried to get the game in too.......on June 25th, when it was scheduled. You didn't even understand the comment. Your team has called our win "questionable". I'm doing the same about the "rainout" win. That's it. I think we all agree that the policies on both issues should be addressed at the fall meeting.


August 4, 2006
4:17:38 PM

Entry #: 1600931
snoop shut your scrawny bitch ass up! You suck! Fo shizzle my nizzle

Pizzle is the real snoop!


August 4, 2006
7:40:46 PM

Entry #: 1601198
I almost had one would have left the yard at the time. ps, I've seen the real snoop...and aint look nothin like the real wanna see how a real gansta rolls...come to Rosedale.


August 5, 2006
12:49:18 PM

Entry #: 1601878
there are no gangstas at abercrombie & bitch!

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