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Author TOPIC: looking for NSA bat

August 15, 2006
11:54:13 AM

Entry #: 1620937
Hey all. Playing in an NSA fall league this year and im lookin to buy and NSA bat. I'd prefer a used one so it'll be already broken in and since its just for fall.


August 15, 2006
12:06:27 PM

Entry #: 1620960
i have a yellow catylst i might let go ryman what team do u play for.


August 15, 2006
1:06:55 PM

Entry #: 1621107
I have a 30oz Rocket Tech. Barely used. It has probably 40 hits on it.


August 15, 2006
2:43:23 PM

Entry #: 1621312
I've never cared for andersons, but appreciate the reply ryno. In this league I play for Baxter's, in the NSA league I play for BZ Results in the warwick twilight league. How used is the catalyst, and give me your honest opinion of it. I've never swung a louisville in my life. Also while im talkin to ya, BZ might be interested in your tourney you're puttin together in september.


August 15, 2006
3:07:27 PM

Entry #: 1621379
I don't like them either. I don't know why I ever bought it. I don't think you can use the catylist or rocket tech in twilite. Both are composite I think.


August 15, 2006
3:42:46 PM

Entry #: 1621463
Last year it was a metal bat only league, but I talked to the guy runnin the league this year and he said composites are in, hence me bein in the market for one. I think you played a few games in this league last year for Interior Concepts against us Ryno.


August 15, 2006
5:06:06 PM

Entry #: 1621710
i have 2 purple UNcensored combats. balanced and 1 endloaded. nsa and usssa and isa use. if you are intrested


August 15, 2006
5:35:13 PM

Entry #: 1621789
We were actually looking into the uncencored for a team bat. What am I lookin at for price and bat condition? Let me know here or email me.


August 15, 2006
6:47:57 PM

Entry #: 1621981
ryman my # is posted call me about the tourney as of today we are already up to six .


August 15, 2006
8:10:51 PM

Entry #: 1622133
Just putting the finishing touches on my fall ball team this week, if enough of them are interested I'll definitly give you a call. In the mean time what's the deal on that bat? Price and condition?

nsa player

August 16, 2006
10:40:19 AM

Entry #: 1623092
ryman, I have a 2006 model demarini f2 27oz in good condition and a well broken in 05 f2 26 oz in good condition that i am willing to sell if interested. both are approved in either league you play in....$100.00 each


August 16, 2006
12:43:49 PM

Entry #: 1623441
ryman if you commit to the tourney i will give you a good deal the bat only has maybe 5o swings tops . call me .


August 16, 2006
5:33:51 PM

Entry #: 1624237
brand new about 30 swings on it. name me a fair price

August 16, 2006
5:51:11 PM

Entry #: 1624270
My offer is 250 for both bats. That's not in stone. We're bargaining here. So come back at me with something so we both leave happy.


August 21, 2006
4:22:05 PM

Entry #: 1632526
ryman you still intrested?


August 22, 2006
9:27:09 AM

Entry #: 1633914
Still very interested Lem. We thought wed never hear back from you. Email me or call me as soon as possible so we can make a deal.
Cell: 465 1455

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