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Author TOPIC: Hellfire in Vegas

August 17, 2006
2:23:22 PM

Entry #: 1625881
Who is taking bets on how many of them get arrested? If I was a betting man I would say at least 2 Brownie and Lemme. Artie you may have to throw a couple cases of beer in room and lock so they can't leave before the games. Lemme stay away from anything that looks like a female but has an adam's apple. Let me know if you can make it down for a d-ray game or pick a buc game and I will make sure we get tickets.


August 17, 2006
3:13:10 PM

Entry #: 1626018
Artie - Arrested for fighting in the street. Overheard screaming "We will shoot the middle on you fatty".

Destefano - Will smooth talk the cops to talk it down to disturbing the peace rather than assult for Artie.

Lem - Drunken gambler will get on a roll playing pai gow poker and forget there is even a softball tournament.

Tiberi - Hopped up on coffee starts streaking through the Bellagio. Hired goons give chase but he is a fast fucker. He will lay low in New Mexico for a few days.

Lucowicz and Johnstone - The good boys will sleep in their uniforms and be at the field several hours ahead of the scheduled game time.

Costa - Hookers.

Campbell - Captivated by the showmanship and grace of the male show dancers he decides on a career change. Arranges a tryout for Cirque De Soile.

Fernandes - Starts talking to a chick waiting to board the plane in Warwick. Never leaves RI and doesn't get laid either.

Lessard - Buffet tables don't stand a chance.

Brownie - Wingman for Costa.

Scott - Replaced Roy. Now called the Seigfried and Ferrerra show. On a personal note he is nailing Seigfried on the side.


August 17, 2006
3:44:35 PM

Entry #: 1626090
I got a chuckle out of that Ryno.


August 18, 2006
7:46:22 AM

Entry #: 1627476
You can only chuckle because everything I said has a chance to be true. Scary.

Sorry I can't be there boozing up with you Hellfire. I was going to go with Big Cheese but I had to back out. Ryno got no money.

Uncle Mertog

August 18, 2006
10:59:51 AM

Entry #: 1627792
C'mon guys, lets all kick in a few bucks and send Ryno to will give us an inside man to give us the scoop as to what happens in Vegas, no one can retell the story like Ryno can. So kick in that coffee and cigarette money and send Ryno to Vegas...please, only you can help, so start sending that money in now.


August 18, 2006
12:38:31 PM

Entry #: 1628006
What are you Sally Struthers? Send money to this poor needy softball gimp.
I have contacts in Vegas. Nothing will happen that I don't get the scoop on.

Uncle Mertog

August 18, 2006
7:50:15 PM

Entry #: 1628825
Ryno your killin me I have the "South Park" version of Sally Strothers stuck in my head, eating all the food sent in to Starvin Marvin's family.


August 21, 2006
8:00:43 AM

Entry #: 1631474
That South Park thing was the first thing I thought of when I said that. Starvin' Marvin.


August 21, 2006
4:14:54 PM

Entry #: 1632498
ryno you got drunken right but i dont gamble. CK has it right just hope me and brownie and the new cronie flannagan(took ck's bar stool from last year)dont get arrested before the games hahah nahhh no drinkin till we loose, and hopefully we dont


August 21, 2006
9:25:49 PM

Entry #: 1633218
Flannigan is going with you too. It just keeps getting drunker and drunker. God speed boys.


August 21, 2006
11:17:59 PM

Entry #: 1633498
geez even gettin bashed on the main website haha bastards

Uncle Mertog

August 22, 2006
12:11:37 AM

Entry #: 1633577
Check the schedule boys and see if there is a UFC event that weekend....definately worth the time since you're already in Vegas.


August 22, 2006
9:57:11 AM

Entry #: 1633970
I wouldn't take it to heart Lem. Everytime someone has a good weekend someone else is there to make illegal bat accusations.
That being said I will be calling for a bat check if we see you in the playoffs ;)

Uncle Mertog

August 22, 2006
12:10:27 PM

Entry #: 1634249
Ryno....didn't you call for a bat check on me this weekend??? Mertie hit a homer.....the end of the world is coming. I wanted a bat check and it was my bat. I can't trust myself...I'm all about that.


August 22, 2006
12:37:59 PM

Entry #: 1634315
I thought about it until I hit mine so I didn't want you to call my dinger into question. Plus I didn't use my own bat.

Uncle Mertog

August 22, 2006
1:10:24 PM

Entry #: 1634376
I was more worried about you charging the mound, I know you can hit....but can you fight big fella!


August 22, 2006
1:55:15 PM

Entry #: 1634494
I come charging out of the gate with a pretty nasty kick in the coin purse. It's all over but the crying at that point.


August 22, 2006
2:04:46 PM

Entry #: 1634520
cjk we need a first baseman call me if you are interested .

Uncle Mertog

August 22, 2006
2:05:48 PM

Entry #: 1634525
Damn Bro....why you gotta kick a fella in the nuts for?


August 22, 2006
2:07:36 PM

Entry #: 1634531
Artie you have at least 3 firstbaseman. Who are you missing?


August 22, 2006
3:12:24 PM

Entry #: 1634673
Destefano and Fernandes

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