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Author TOPIC: No need of it #43

September 10, 2006
10:41:14 PM

Entry #: 1669164
What kind of stunt was that that car #43 pulled today??That was some of the worst driving i saw yet.drivers are over there to race and have good cars but with drivers like #43 there wont be much left to the cars.I think that Jason should have got first ad that he handled the situation the right way.

Race Fan

September 11, 2006
7:15:43 AM

Entry #: 1669650
Car #43 never stopped bangin Jason Groves and Todd Hennesey around the track the whole day.Something should be done about #43!He's gettin in the way of the chase for the cup.

get real

September 11, 2006
10:03:59 AM

Entry #: 1669805
if they can handle the pain don't play the game . the two cars should have been sent to the pit not just car 43.he should not have got out of the car and go to car 43 to hit him .he should have waited until they went to the pit THE BIG SOOK

regular fan

September 11, 2006
10:40:19 AM

Entry #: 1669865
Both drivers acted like the idiots they are.It wasn't just 43 doing the pushing--- Groves can be just as bad only it all backfired on him yesterday.Maturity - or lack thereof-is the root cause.


September 11, 2006
11:56:29 AM

Entry #: 1670021
Car #43 Is nuttin but an idiot and is the dirtiest driver in there. He should not be aloud to race if he cant race clean. And to some idiot or coward who threw a smack and then take off have some guts stick around instead of bein a pussy.

September 11, 2006
12:46:38 PM

Entry #: 1670134
Who did the smackin?


September 11, 2006
12:54:28 PM

Entry #: 1670159
some guy from up in the moto cross side started hitting jay good thing the big guy in the tow truck did'nt catch him


September 11, 2006
2:01:54 PM

Entry #: 1670298
#28 is't the clean's driver out ther either.HE got what he deserved.#43 was just given what 28 gave to him.go team shea-heights Don,t be afaid to give what they gave to you.And when #43 spun todd out it was because #28 rear ended #43 solid.

friend of 28

September 11, 2006
2:12:29 PM

Entry #: 1670330
both were pretty dirty but thats racing at advondale is'ent it


September 11, 2006
2:46:22 PM

Entry #: 1670423
i am jasons fan and i am there evrey sunday and he is only dirty when they are dirty to him(go jason go) dont mind them


September 11, 2006
2:59:48 PM

Entry #: 1670463
i think your right penni! it is true when people are banging into jason like #43 he do hit them back and he do get them back.. what comes around goes around so they better pack off and leave jason alone or everyone will freak rite out jason should of won that race yesturday not todd because jason is THE best out there! YOU GO JASON SHOW EM WHO'S THE BOSS!! GO JASON GO!

race fan

September 11, 2006
3:40:43 PM

Entry #: 1670552
JASON should've been sent to the pit like car 43 was .the sook

Kate,#1 Fan of Jason groves #28

September 11, 2006
4:19:23 PM

Entry #: 1670647
Jason Groves DIDNT deserve what 43 done to him! When 43 relized that Jason wasnt gonna let him spin him out he should of slacked off, and it was obvisous that he didnt!!!! I Hope Jason wins it all this year because he IS the best driver out there! GO JASON,WE ALL KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!


September 11, 2006
5:32:06 PM

Entry #: 1670842
Question for people who say jay should have went to the pits!!

Why should any driver who gets spun out and punched in the face have to go to the pits???


September 11, 2006
5:40:39 PM

Entry #: 1670867
he shouldn't have got out of he's car and went over to car 43 and say stuff to him .anyone that get's out of thier car on the track while a race is on should be sent to the pit and not allowed to race that race again .all the same if another car was come when he got out and hit him . THAT SHOULD BE THE RULES SO THERE


September 11, 2006
5:44:29 PM

Entry #: 1670882
so you get out to check the damage on your car and see what the hell the other driver was at and u should not be allowed to race no more??? he started at the back of the pack again after he was spun out while winning the race i mean come on .. 43 tried to intentionally wreck jay it was obvious as for the smack jay hittin 43 earlier in the day it wasnt intending to wreck the 43 it was just letting hime know that he wasnt gonna be pushed around the track like the 43 was doing for 2 laps before..

September 11, 2006
6:07:31 PM

Entry #: 1670938
for anyone with any interest and wondering who the dirty driver in this situation was go to kimheddersons web site and look at the pitures from yesterday in almost 3/4 of the pics that hes in the 43 is hitting someone.. not only the 28 but a pile of others also


September 11, 2006
6:11:27 PM

Entry #: 1670946
Whoever wrote the thing on "the rules" u do have a point but it dont matter what the rules are anyways bern doesnt follow them and no body else who works out to avondale does either! Walter norman Jr. is a poor loser! Pretty bad you have to spin someone out to get in first place next time just try PASSING THE CAR LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES INSTEAD OF SPINNING IT OUT!!! JASON GROVES SHOULD OF WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JAY ROX!!

not a fan

September 11, 2006
9:29:47 PM

Entry #: 1671284
just looked at a video clip of the crash and you can see grove getting out of the car while there was other cars coming around the turn.all the same if one of them cars add it him while he was getting out.that was a stupid move on he's part . it should be a rule that if you get out of the don't race again . you go to the pit. Someone is going to get hurt out there if they don't watch what thier at.

September 11, 2006
9:45:08 PM

Entry #: 1671304
what u just said does make sense but can you put yourself in his shoes bein taken out while leading the race and being on top in the points if you have any competitive spirit in you you would have prolly done the same thing... not necessarily was it rite and he probably knows this but many people would have reacted the same way.. and anyone who wants to win and win clean deserves to be on the track not in the pits he's not out to wreck anyone else . he's out to do the best he possibly can for himself and i think thats the most you can ask any driver


September 12, 2006
8:40:39 AM

Entry #: 1671886
FUNNY!!!! why is it that when the eights have a big smash up that the drivers always manage to shake each others hands at the end, or opoligize for what they did, but when the fours go out it,s always a fight or a god dammed riot?
Dennis weir and ches and jason had one hell of a smash up there sunday, you all saw it! and all it was, was two fellas by ches,s car yellin at each other for around one minute, andafter that it was settled, in fact it wasn,t even the drivers fighting, again it was people from the pit area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mayby bern should start sellin PROZAK IN THE CANTEEN!

mini fan

September 12, 2006
11:25:16 AM

Entry #: 1672076
why is it that the eights are always the almighty ones and the fours always get the shit. there are almost triple the amount of fours on the track. These drivers deserve some respect. As for Ches and the trouble the he causes, first Dean martin, then Arron hillier, then Dennis Weir, and now Dennis Weir again, jamie Easton - how long will he be allowed to pull this shit???? And for your information the mini drivers involved in Sunday's incident DID shake hands - it's the idiot who ran on the track and punched a driver in the face that is causing the problem. Don't blame the drivers.


September 12, 2006
3:03:13 PM

Entry #: 1672516
#43 maybe you're a little confused, this is not demolition derby, that's Thanksgiving weekend. Sure there's always going to be some bumping and grinding in racing, but it shouldn't be intentional. Just like last year and years before, unfortunately those who haven't been near the top all year tend to gang up on those with a chance to win the cup. That's pretty poor sportsmanship and says a lot about a persons character when they play dirty when they can't win. Jason Groves has done exceptionally well all season. He and others ranked high deserve a fair shot at the cup, not have to worry when they're going to be taken out by sore losers.


September 12, 2006
4:37:12 PM

Entry #: 1672715
i am one of jasons #1 fan.I go out to the races every sunday and he is not dirty unless someone hits him it is pay back.43 should never of hit jason.Oh i guess the baby wanted to put jason out and not to let him be the points leader.It is no need of him waitin down in the pits for him either.I i wish is that jasons gets him back this week. (lets go jason)


September 12, 2006
7:00:39 PM

Entry #: 1673042


September 12, 2006
8:20:38 PM

Entry #: 1673200
FYI....Jason went over and shook 43's hand!!

September 13, 2006
12:11:28 AM

Entry #: 1673751
they left what happened on the track on the track but someone else went over the top by doing the punching

To the Coward!

September 13, 2006
9:18:55 AM

Entry #: 1674048
Hey "Sucker Puncher", why don't you get in the Ring this sunday ring then you'll have 11 guys you can sucker Punch!

September 13, 2006
1:51:58 PM

Entry #: 1674543
it is good that they shook hands.who ever punched jason in the face i hope they get banned from avondale.i hope he gets a punch in the face.

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