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TOPIC: basketball |
| evadellpower
October 10, 2006 9:53:26 PM
Entry #: 1727070
| when is the free agent basketball league expected to start. I might be persuaded to give up a night up softball in favor of some hoops. Lace em and pump em baybe!
| RecStaff
October 11, 2006 9:44:32 AM
Entry #: 1727781
| The basketball league will be held on Tuesdays. I can see it starting early next year perhaps February.
| hardlinedrives
October 16, 2006 12:37:25 AM
Entry #: 1736803
| Hey! You better check the fine print on your softball contract! J/K.
On a serious note.....my soft toss is fixed! However, Oct. 9th, the early game at Eva Dell, my bag of 100 softballs was left at Eva Dell 1 after I hit grounders to the infield. Softoss repair saved me $300. Missing bag full of 100 BP balls replacement cost=$500. Anyone seen a bunch of balls with SWICK on them? I figure if there aren't any good samaritans out there I'm 200 in the hole!
| RecStaff
October 16, 2006 9:52:00 AM
Entry #: 1737504
| As of Monday morning no one has turned in a bag, but we have a lot of good people out there, so I'm hoping it turns up.
I do have a bat that was turned in from a couple of weeks ago.
| evadellpower
October 16, 2006 4:20:22 PM
Entry #: 1738396
| I'm missing an easton from a few weeks ago. I called but nobody had turned it in as of last week.
| RecStaff
October 16, 2006 5:46:31 PM
Entry #: 1738595
| I didn't get a call about a bat, I'll make sure that the front desk checks with me. They probably checked out normal lost and found bin, but for gloves, bats and sports equipment - I hang onto it. Email me the description, hopefully the bat I have is yours!