| Shizz
October 14, 2006 12:43:55 AM
Entry #: 1733864
It's been a rough season. Anyway the score may look bad but actually the offense looked pretty good but just couldn't get the momentum to score. I like the spread option attack and if you watched the game tonight you can see why. There's a hundred things you can do and you can move the ball. Once the team gets used to running it it's goin to take the team to a pretty good record. There were just to many QB sweeps and keepers and Perry started adjusting and shut that down you move to plan B. The Shovel Pass worked great sorked way better than the option but thew option pitch not the Option Keeper has to be a at the right time with The Team Speed the Rams have to be effective. Not only that but I think you can take not the greatest of O-Lines and make them look great but moving them around in space. Thre Rams aren't that many years off from being a pretty good team except that it's the little things that keep kickin them in the ass. For instance Perry will take a toss or sweep or option or whatever and instead of keep flowin to the sidelines they cut upfield. Once the see the crease the hit it and gain yards. The Rams Runners want to stretch it out and you're goin to play into the defenses hands. No big Runs which is a positive you would rather see a guy carry 20 or 30 times for 150-200 yards then 10 or 15 for 200 yards. Anyway i'm ready fro basketball season.