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Author TOPIC: Rams vs. Pekin

December 20, 2006
9:47:51 PM

Entry #: 1843681

The first real big loss for the Rams this season. Losing by 38 points is never fun and isn't fun when you now you are doing things wrong. Seems as though the wheels are starting too fall off the wagon so to speak and weakness after weakness on this teams starts showing up. Seems as though Th Rams don't like to play the physicals tyle and against Pekin they got shoved around a little bit. Another thing The Rams have yet to do this season is control the boards on both ends. Pekin had some height but they didn't do anything special so that The Rams couldn't get a rebound off of every miss. Their big guys made theirselves wide and played wide to get rebounds. If The Rams continue not to get aggressive on the rebounding aspect of the game it's going to be a long season. The last few games The Rams also haven't shot the 3-ball all that well. I know those who were hiitng the thress in the first 2-3 games are no Peja Stojakovic or Reggie Miller but they can still knock down the 3. There is still no rhythm to the offense it seems like game by game the offense has gotten slower and slower. There's no aggressive play on the defensive side either when a team makes a few passes and you don't rotate over or lose your man somethin is wrong. When one of The Rams players drive the baseline and theres two or 3 players comin over to make a play on the shot and the Rams player or players are lookin to get a foul more than getting the basket or makin the extra pass to an open teammate somethins wrong. The Rams free throw shooting won't set anything on fire. But that's another thing that is in rhythm and if you are off rhythm your percentage will be off. There;s alos alot of inconsistency on the offensive end one night Lankford will score night Laswell will score 20....Goodman will score 20...Trinkle will score 15-20. With that said it looks as though The Rams should decrease to increase as in having one or so player score 20-25 maybe 30 one game and have one player at 15 another at 10 and so on. Of course with that type of scoring The Rams would probably have to avergae 70 or so points a game. about 20 points higher than their average so far. Anyway hope the Rams grab a set and start playin physical against teams or it might be a quick sectional in March.



January 6, 2007
9:52:31 AM

Entry #: 1860646
I think it goes deeper than just missing shots or chasing rebounds!


January 6, 2007
10:41:41 PM

Entry #: 1861344
I agree there is more than just rebounding and running an offense.


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