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Author TOPIC: Offensive Mindset

January 26, 2007
10:24:40 PM

Entry #: 1896744

Throughout the season the offense has confused me. The Coach says he's tried different offenses which is nice but none of the offense has had a guard drive to the hole and be aggressive. Sure Goodman and Phillips did and and still do it at times but it would seem a little more smarter for a player to drive to the basket and look to score and if not score foul. I'm pretty sure White could do this but he was 2-11 from inside the arc against Corydon and Laswell well besides getting fast break layups didn't get much. White possibly could be a player who does a Charles Barkley thing of taking his opponent baking him into the lane then do a spin move or tun and face and do a Jordan esque fadeaway or somethin positive. Laswell is a freshmen and playing against Seniors may take away from some of his driving abilities but I think he could score around 20 everynight if the offense permits it. It's been mentioned that there's noone on the team that can drive then pull up around 15 or so feet and shoot a jumper. But that comes with teaching the fundamentals and that it has to take a jump shooter to shoot those kind of shots and a kid who is a set shooter and shoots those shots it's not goin to look pretty nice. I wouldl ike the team too be more active and drive to above the top of the 3 seocnd area kick the ball out to the corner that guy drive in kick it out swing it around the perimeter. Would like too see that happen but that's what I see in the Lady Rams and not The Paoli Rams. Another thing holding back the Rams is they don't have that one player yet who they can look to at a guard or forward or center or whoever to take over the game. A few streaky shooters which that streak needs to be more hot them warm then hot then ice cold back to warm or hot. Could Ramble on about the defenseive side and rebounding but that's a subject fro another time.


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