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Author TOPIC: Expanded capability for website administrators!

March 2, 2007
1:42:45 PM

Entry #: 1966435
Beginning with the 2007 season, team administrators will now be able to login and update/maintain team information, player/roster information, schedules, and ALL GAME RESULTS & PLAYER STATISTICS. Last year, teams were not able to go in each and update the results of their games. Not sure how many teams will use this feature, but at least the option is there. Contact me if you forgot your password or want a new administrator set up for your team.


March 23, 2007
3:41:04 PM

Entry #: 2021469
The Booze Bros will keep their box scores this year. With even minimal participation this looks like a great thing. What are the chances that we can set it up that all team coaches report their score. It would be nice if we could can keep an accurate standings.


March 23, 2007
10:27:46 PM

Entry #: 2022270
As far as game scores go, we don't need every team to report in, just one of the two is sufficient. (But in some cases, even that may not be possible. I think many teams just want to play for fun and don't want to publicly have their record stacked up against other teams. With the rec nature of the league, I fully understand that. Besides, unless all teams submit schedules, there's no way to know if every game is accounted for on the website.) Box scores are another matter. I keep my team stats on our own team website and they're a pain to enter each week. Can't imagine too many captains wanting to put in the time.


March 28, 2007
11:55:52 PM

Entry #: 2033394
Last night I set up administrator accounts for all captains of the new teams and informed them by email. I also sent emails to remind other captains of their old usernames/passwords. If anyone still needs to be reminded of their username/password, or needs a new account set up for someone on their team, email me.

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