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Author TOPIC: Looking Ahead To Next Season

March 4, 2007
3:53:22 PM

Entry #: 1970023
Well another season in the books time to look ahead next season. Depending on who the coach is the Rams will be deep next year returning 8 or so players who got alot of minutes this year. Add that to who I think will be on varisty next season. And that is bringing Jones up, Evans, Harkness, Smith and maybe Raymer and another Freshmen fomr thsi year's JV team. It could be a good season nbext year. You wgoin to ahve your two top scorers back (White and Laswell) along with every returning player at least starting a handful of games which is good. Add that with some JV players you oculd have a good core group of players that could turn things around. If The Rams rebound better and learn to stay at a pace not where it's not the other teams pace they should be sucessful. If they get aggressive over the offseason learn an offense where you have the option of dribble penetration and extra passing it should help the team greatly. Ift hey have an offense where they come down shoot a 3 or come down make a pass and shoot a 3 it won't look good. Play an agressive defense up in your face tight defense should help both ends of the game then. anyway hopefully it will change.


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