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Author TOPIC: Jose Canseco owns Skivi

April 23, 2007
4:55:53 PM

Entry #: 2093254
JOey, Joey, Joey. How you going to get Jose Canseco 0-2 and let him walk. He was even using a 36 in. bat. You know what that tells me.......That you couldn't even throw harder than JJ George, now that you are in your old age. Are you sure you can still come back and pitch in the OVBL? Its ok Joe, everybody gets old!


April 30, 2007
10:12:52 PM

Entry #: 2109975
Little dog!
Here's the difference. It was 1-2 not 0-2. It was Jose Canseco, not Jessie Nixon, swinging a 36-33 ALUMINUM. By the way, I walked him twice and he hit a double. Intimidated, unfortanetly at first I was. I did get his brother Ozzie out. Last, I wanted you to know, I was hitting 89 saturday at a Northern League tryout. I know that's hard for you to swallow since you've never hit 79. Keep hanging in there bud, you'll break 80 one day, just like J.J.


May 1, 2007
6:14:37 PM

Entry #: 2112080
I love you buddy! By the way i've hit 92 before, i know its not as fast as your 95 with the pirates but........

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