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Author TOPIC: Stats on Website

May 9, 2007
11:09:34 AM

Entry #: 2128190
The site doesn’t show the team stats. Under help topics I found this:

Why don't individual and team statistics appear on our site?

In order to for statistics to appear you need to make sure the "Display Statistics" field is enabled on each of the following pages:

Site Options->General Information
Also, make sure the "Statistics Method" is set to "Use Game Results" on the Site Options->Standings/Statistics admin page.

It looks like whoever is the division manager has to make the change for us to see the stats. I don’t know who that is, but if you know, then you can suggest to them that they make the change.

Also, I don’t see menu options for league leaders or team leaders. I would like to see something like that as well.

Thank you,
Chris Oakley


May 9, 2007
2:41:29 PM

Entry #: 2128782
There's no way to show league leader stats that I can see, but I was able to update the site to allow for team stats to be shown. (I thought I had already done this, but found there are three separate screens you have to go to in order to click "display statistics" and I had only hit on two of them previously.)

To view a box score, click on game results, then click on the game you want to view. You will only see those stats for teams/games that have had info entered. If teams don't enter anything, you won't see anything.

For team statistics, click on teams/rosters, then click on the team you want to view. All players will be listed with the accumulated stats for all games played and entered.

I don't think we'll ever get full league participation on this. Not all of the teams post their schedules on the site, never mind scores and stats. But for those teams that do utilize the feature, it's nice to have your team stats tallied and sorted for you.


May 15, 2007
8:32:23 AM

Entry #: 2140600
Thank you Jim for improving the stats on the website. I played around with the site this morning and did find an area for the league leaders.

First, go to the "Standings" page.
Then at the top of the page there is a drop down box, which default position says "standings." Click on the box and you can select batting leaders, fielding leaders, & pitching leaders.


May 16, 2007
3:39:11 PM

Entry #: 2144158
With the rash of tie games over the past two weeks I went looking, and found, a league setting to allow tie games to be reflected in winning percentage. So you will now see winning percentages adjusted to include any ties.

Also, I saw a setting that allowed 'runs for' and 'runs against' totals to be reflected in standings and thought they would be cool so they were added as well.

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