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Author TOPIC: League rules - use of extra DHs

May 30, 2007
11:11:45 PM

Entry #: 2173487
This inquiry was received from Ryan McKain of the new Shipman & Goodwin team:

Does the league have a rule about more than 10 players batting? I understand that some teams arrive with fifteen or so players and put them all in the batting lineup, although they only field ten at a time. It seems like this could cause a problem with the 7 men to 3 women ratio.


May 30, 2007
11:28:40 PM

Entry #: 2173519
Many teams bat everyone who shows up and as long as there is there are the minimum three women in the line-up, I've never complained or heard complaints. Keeping the 7 men to 3 women ratio is a very good point, but not anything I can recall ever being discussed before. I've seen line-ups of 8 men / 6 women, and have also have seen line-ups of 12 guys / 3 women. The basic league rule, as it stands now, is simply that a line-up must have a minimum of three women in it; extra DHs (of any gender) are allowed.

The only time I don't agree with allowing extra DHs is when a team shows up with fewer than three women. If a team can't satisfy the league rule for fielding a team with three women then, unless other provisions are made, they should be penalized and not allowed the benefit of getting to bat extra DHs that are men.

If you have an opinion, please post a reply. This is a good topic worth further discussion.


June 7, 2007
9:02:34 PM

Entry #: 2191162
Hey guys, Pat from the arch. My opinion is simply this. If a team shows with less then 3 women, i have no problem with anything as long as they double up somewhere in the lineup with the women they do have. The reality of it is that this league is for fun. We dont have umps or playoffs or prizes or entry fees. I think we should continue to look at it that way. Just my 2 cents.


June 7, 2007
11:15:37 PM

Entry #: 2191553
Pat, your idea sounds fine by me. The doubling up of women in the line-up would fall under making provisions to account for having less than three women. If both captains agree, that's all that matters.

The kind of stuff you don't want to see is something like this: we once played a team that only had 2 women, but brought 10 guys out. They inisted on playing a full defense of ten players and made no concessions with their line-up. They then batted everyone and put the two women at the bottom of their order.

As you say, we have no umps. Everyone should look to keep games coed, fun and fair.


June 8, 2007
1:08:09 PM

Entry #: 2192605
i hear what you're saying. We do show up with only 2 women ourselves at times. However, we only play 3 outfielders as a rule of thumb. Still playing 4 outfielders is clearly unfair under that scenario.


September 9, 2008
11:04:57 AM

Entry #: 2900184
My 2 cents: If team can only field 9 players or only 2 women, that team should have an automatic out in their line-up.

As for extra DH's...there's got to be a cap in place. There were times when we had 20 people showing up. Fun league, yes. But it's no fun batting once or twice a game.


September 15, 2008
1:49:59 PM

Entry #: 2907837
If a team is only fielding 9 players, why should they be punished additionally for that??? Isnt that already a disadvantage?

as far as capping the dh. If your team has 20 players, thats something your team should deal with. If we want to bat 55 people, that isnt the league's problem.

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