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TOPIC: Whapeton |
| C-Bass
June 19, 2007 1:22:30 PM
Entry #: 2213925
| This is the email I got regarding hotel rooms and how the tourney will operate next weekend.
"We’ve got discounted hotel rooms at the Select Inn. Here is the website for directions and a phone number contact:
Rooms will be $45/night + tax. When you call to reserve a room please tell them it will be under the “Border Battle” reservations. Legends Bar in Breckenridge is sponsoring our tournament and will have a live band on Saturday night of the tournament. All players will get in free and we’ll be handing drink tickets to each team. Miller Lite will be serving beer at the game. We’ll have a roped off area that is still visible to the field and room for seating for those that choose to consume alcohol at the game. We will be carding everyone that looks under 40 so please have your ID with you if you plan to drink at the field. Cops will be periodically stopping by to make sure there are no minors drinking. We want to have this tournament in Wahpeton again next year so please tell your players not try to get a beer if they are not over 21."
| Ole
June 19, 2007 3:22:54 PM
Entry #: 2214307
| Thanks C-Bass for the post. The Great Outdoors will be playing at Legends bar that Saturday night of the tournament: http://www.fargobands.com/bands/tgo/website.htm We're looking to host a solid tournament this year. See you in a couple weeks.
| Maco
June 19, 2007 5:03:40 PM
Entry #: 2214617
| oh god!
i don't think they need to be worried about minors drinking, more like the legends bar still standing after the tourney, and not burned to the ground...
| 1e
June 20, 2007 9:47:25 AM
Entry #: 2216246
| Good call Maco, good call. Hopefully we don't get kicked out of this hotel room