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Author TOPIC: Who Makes It + Who Gets What Seeds?

June 19, 2007
4:30:38 PM

Entry #: 2214324
Alrite Well Who Makes It And What Playoff Match Up's Happen ??

Bothelo 15 - 1 With PUB, CCFF, Eaton, PNA, Crowe, Sunset, Baxter Left

CM 13 - 3 With Jokes, JR's, Crowe, Pub, Harris, PNA, VFW Left

VFW 13 - 3 With Del Padre, A+, Baxter, Stallions, Sunset, Crowe, CM Left

Crowe 11 - 5 With CCFF, Pub, CM, Harris, Bothelo, VFW, Jokes Left

Jokes 10 - 6 With Baxter, CM, A+, CCFF, PNA, JR's, Crowe Left

Harris 10 - 6 With PNA, Baxter, Pub, Crowe, CM, Eaton, Del Padre Left

PNA 9 - 7 With Harris, Stallions, Del Padre, Bothelo, Jokes, CM, CCFF Left

Pub 9 - 7 With Bothelo, Crowe, Harris, CM, CCFF, A+, Eaton Left

Baxter 9 - 7 With Jokes, Harris, VFW, A+, Eaton, Stallions, Bothelo Left

JR's 8 - 8 With CM, Eaton, CCFF, Del Padre, Stallions, Jokes, Sunset Left

Well I Only Wrote Out The Teams I Think Make It I Dont Think Anymore than 11 Loses Makes The Playoffs What Does Everyone Forsee Happening Who Ends Up With What Seed Who Gets Who First Round ? This Weekend Will Help Sculpt How The Standings Will Be

Uncle Mertog

June 20, 2007
12:40:02 AM

Entry #: 2215656
Wow...nice job Mac.

Mac, I can't call it, seems every week is an adventure for many teams, we are all having the same problem apparently, getting guys to the game. I haven't had the same lineup two weeks in a row and haven't had the whole team at one single game this year. Especially when you have a bunch of guys that haven't played together that long it spells a mediocre season.

I know lots of teams have guys that float around, and play tournaments and such so they have the same problem getting consistency. This thing could get really interesting by the end of the season as teams start hitting their groove. It's all a matter of hitting your peak at the right time.

One thing I know is that this league has seriously improved and is much more competitive than last year.


June 20, 2007
10:29:50 AM

Entry #: 2216191
i know what your saying mert its hard to predict who will win certain games when u cant guarentee that you or the other team has there top team with them on that day. im just saying if you go on the teams left to play and there records and what not. certain teams have a tougher way to make it to the playoffs than others, like certain teams play the lower teams and not taking anything away from them but thats an advantage to the top teams who play the lower teams in the league because theres more of a chance to beat an eaton, stallions twice than it would be to beat an VFW, Or Bothelos thats all i meant i just wondered if anyone would make predictions on where theyd end up just by guessing the remaining games by the teams records they play

Also If You look CM Has The Toughest Road Playing All The Top Teams From Now Til The End ( I Think There In No Matter What) But If They Just Split With Every Team Left They Would End Up 20 - 10 ( Were Alot Of Other Teams Will Be Jammed Up Too)
Then U Have Crowe , Harris, Baxters, And The Pub With Like 5 Or 6 Games Against Top Teams Still. If They All Split Or One Team Takes 2 one week and drops 2 another it could b 19 - 11 log jam. O Ya This League Is Alot Better And More Competitve No Doubt

If No One Gives There predictions Ill Giev Mine After This Weekend Hopefully A few Things get Cleared Up This Weekend But I think We Know That Bothelo And VFW are 1 and 2 which ever team plays better down the stretch takes the top seed and id say CM would stay In Third But If They Split A Bunch That could Drop Em Down So We Will See


June 27, 2007
3:54:44 PM

Entry #: 2231340
ok mac this my predictions after last week

1. bothelo 25-5
2. vfw 22-8 (without anymore forfeits)
3 raymonds 20-10
4. c.m. 20-10
5.harris 20-10
6.c.j. 19-11 19-11
8.pna 18-12

we will have to see and wait now ,this week is huge with raymonds and cm playing 4 games this week could be interesting . good luck to all this weekend


June 27, 2007
3:59:44 PM

Entry #: 2231356
oops i forgot baxters who i think will tie pna for 8th place also at 18-12


June 27, 2007
5:15:38 PM

Entry #: 2231550
Good picks Hodde....just toss the Crowe bar who's 14-4 now right out of the playoff picture...Now I know why I like Mertog's weekly picks...even though he's got his team taking two from us.


June 27, 2007
7:00:29 PM

Entry #: 2231770
Finally Someone Grew Some Nuts Thanks Hodde Im Gonna Shower And Go Over My Stats And Then Figure Out Whom I Think Takes What Spot And Records Being Back To Work = Hard To Be On The Computer 24 / 7

Uncle Mertog

June 28, 2007
1:20:17 AM

Entry #: 2232375
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This is kind of the reaction I had when I saw that Crowe was omitted from the playoff picture. I'm sure it must have been an oversight.

Josh, don't worry about it, because you are playing the Pub this weekend and everyone knows that this entitles you to the "Mertog Treatment" here on "Smack" immediately following the games.
I don't want to give it away, but it will probably be something like this.
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Anyway, here is how Mert sees it playing out.

Bothelo takes it and finishes at 25-5. (Thanks, at least in part to the "King of the Softball Diamond" Ian Smith. Bring him your finest meats and cheeses and celebrate the in the splendor that is Smitty!)
VFW comes on strong at the end and finishes at 23-7. The Orange Crush go on in the playoffs to win the the championship back to back years.
Harris will overtake the third seed and finish at 20-10
Chris Moulton will take the 4th slot and come in at 19-11 in our countdown.
I think the Pub has the best schedule remaining for a push for the 5th slot and come in at 19-11 also.
Crowe has one of the tougher schedules left and finish at 18-12 along with Jr's at 18-12, Joques 18-12 and PNA 18-12.

At that point all the mysterious letters will start coming in and the shit will hit the fan, and somehow Bob Dutilly will be illegal once again and the whole entire playoff picture will be screwed up again.

Josh, Don't feel bad that your team was overlooked and just remember...
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I'll see you Sunday...I'll call Keenan and tell him the game is at 1:00PM at Fosters. Is Chris Anderson playing Sunday?


June 28, 2007
11:36:54 AM

Entry #: 2232885
Man Mertdog you always seem to find a way to pick a guy up when he's down. Keenan will be there, don't know about Anderson yet. Love the Mertdog treatment and after the game you should postpone you're after game immediate love so we can go grab a beer or two at the CB. My treat for ya.

Uncle Mertog

June 28, 2007
1:48:44 PM

Entry #: 2233208
Josh, are you propositioning me? Have you fallen under the spell that is Mertog? Are you trying to get me drunk?
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You know how upset Mac gets when I hang out with other players. LOL

Actually my team is having a small party at my house this weekend...but I'll definately take a rain check. You're more than welcome to swing by the house and have a burger or two with us if you want. Tell Chris Anderson to bring his floaties because the pool is a little over 4'. LOL
But I'll leave you with this parting gift my friend, just so you don't feel left's a little thing that I call "Magnum"...enjoy.
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June 28, 2007
4:36:19 PM

Entry #: 2233596
1 Bothelo 25 - 5
2 VFW 23 - 7
3 Harris 21 - 9
4 CM 20 - 10
5 JR's 20 - 10
6 PUB 19 - 11
7 BAX 19 - 11
8 Jokes 18 - 12
Crowe 16 - 14
PNA 16 - 14
Bothelo vs Jokes Bothelo Wins Best Of 3 2 - 1
VFW vs BAX VFW Sweeps
Harris vs PUB Harris Wins Best Of 3 2 - 1
CM vs JR's JR's Loses First But Wins Best Of 3

Round 2 Bothelo vs JR's
VFW vs Harris ( Rematch Of Last Year)

JR's vs VFW In The Final


June 29, 2007
4:47:45 PM

Entry #: 2235749
predictions predictions predictions. predictions are like asswholes everyone has one. so here is ours. Crowebar 22-8. oh and i almost forgot a league title. Let alone Keenan, everyone's gotta worry about where Hinske is going to hit the ball.


June 30, 2007
11:14:10 AM

Entry #: 2236629
sorry dionne didnt mean to overlook you guys my bad i predict 16-14 also for ya


June 30, 2007
5:04:47 PM

Entry #: 2236998
16-14 is overlooking us Hodde


June 30, 2007
8:13:51 PM

Entry #: 2237354
dionne u know your my buddy and i like basically every guy on your team i just think you have a really tough road ahead of you and the team chemistry isnt completely there yet next year u guys could b in contention to win it all this year and like we always say this is peoples opinions it isnt tryin to knock anyone or anything like that cause everyone in this league are great people just think that your a few players off no disrespect whatsoever you can say what u want about my team or me and ill take it with a grain of salt good luck to you and every team down the stretch thats just how i see things


July 1, 2007
9:02:04 PM

Entry #: 2238827
Let me ask this...everyone makes predictions about who's going to win it all, but my question is which team would you NOT want to face in the playoffs on your quest to win it all?

Uncle Mertog

July 1, 2007
9:29:12 PM

Entry #: 2238874
Chip, VFW is the team that I would not want to face most of all in the first round. In my opinion they are still the best team in the league right now. Bothelo's is great too, but when the VFW is at full strength...they are a monster.

Of course I think my team can hang with anybody when we are at full strength as well.

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