Author |
TOPIC: late arrivals... |
| army
June 20, 2007 2:15:51 PM
Entry #: 2216852
| Being new to the league, I was curious about any rules pertaining to adding players during the game - is it possible to accept new players at any time during the game, even if they aren't adequately dressed?
| U Arms
June 20, 2007 3:40:46 PM
Entry #: 2217084
| Last night we were playing remax, they had 12 to 13 players. Some short dude who was watching the game in the stands joined the game when we took the lead. He was wearing jeans and a golf shirt; he pitched and dominated the last two innings. Is this normal or fair?
| Jamie B
June 20, 2007 3:50:59 PM
Entry #: 2217109
| We just enjoyed building up your false hopes only to bring you down! I seem to recall a few late arrivals on your squad too, not to mention 'out of uniform players'...oh, and that 'short dude' happens to be a veteran in the league and as far as I'm concerned one of the best pitchers in the league too. Let me guess, you were one of the 3 players who came up and couldn't hit it out of the infield right?
| army
June 20, 2007 4:04:48 PM
Entry #: 2217155
| So based upon the feedback, I am to assume that players are allowed to join a game in progress at any time and don’t have to be wearing clothing…
| Houghts
June 20, 2007 4:09:09 PM
Entry #: 2217183
| I would suggest anyone joining the game must be wearing clothing.
| U Arms
June 20, 2007 4:28:49 PM
Entry #: 2217248
| All three of you chaps are missing the point. The attire is neither here nor there. Is it fair that the individual joins the game when you got behind in the score? Why did he not play from the start?
| Houghts
June 20, 2007 4:40:19 PM
Entry #: 2217291
| we were actually up by 3 when he came in.
| Fuji
June 20, 2007 5:20:46 PM
Entry #: 2217441
| Gents,
I assume you are referring to me. I was there before the 6:30 game time (when you only had 6 players) and I actually talked to one of you. I didn't have time to go home and change because of traffic problems caused by street lights being out. I assume that is why a couple of your guys showed up after the game started. I didn't want to play because I was resting a sprained ankle. Instead of dwelling on why I didn't start the game, look at the positive side because you guys hit the snot out of the ball. Just figure out what you need to change. If you knew our Team, you would know that we always play by the USPL Rules. PS - I know you have a bunch of new guys on the team but I really think all players should read our Constitution and Rules (can't seem to find on our web site any more). This will give you an idea about what the league is all about.
| RNolson
June 20, 2007 5:43:48 PM
Entry #: 2217522
| Assuming the USPL still follows the SPO Rulebook, the following would apply - unless written out by the USPL executive:
"Minimum uniform shall be identical shirts with identifiable ten (10) cm high numbers on the back." -----
| Jim_the_Ump
June 20, 2007 5:47:52 PM
Entry #: 2217531
| Fuji, henceforth your nickname will be “DSD” (Dominating Short Dude).
| U Arms
June 20, 2007 6:48:06 PM
Entry #: 2217681
| We have only won one game so thanks for brining up our spirits.
| HR leader
June 21, 2007 8:50:18 AM
Entry #: 2218760
| This team has some integrity issues; does everyone remember “the slide” in the playoffs last year to knock my team out? They were not honest on that one either.
| HR leader
June 21, 2007 8:50:25 AM
Entry #: 2218763
| This team has some integrity issues; does everyone remember “the slide” in the playoffs last year to knock my team out? They were not honest on that one either.
| Jamie B
June 21, 2007 9:36:05 AM
Entry #: 2218855
| Integrity issues? Give me a break. Sour grapes. Honesty? No one is denying he entered the game late.
| jimmy
June 21, 2007 12:32:56 PM
Entry #: 2219312
| once a team has gone through the batting order once then no one should be added. that is approx. 15 to 20 minutes after the first pitch, plenty of time to make the game (or leave sooner)we all know that there are traffic issues at 630 or the babbysitter was late, understandable. but that is life. once we start making exceptions and "as long as the other team says it is alright" stuff this is the end result. if a team is short, help them out with a catcher or something, that is just sportsmanship. we have to draw the line somewhere, that is why we have rules. not to screw the other team over but to keep the league in check an still have fun. the after the game stuff is what we are trying to avoid so we all want to keep coming out to the ball park. years ago there we never any issues but since we have changed the rules to help a few guys out, this is where we are at. why are we complicating things? if you are late, there is always next week. you can still have a beer with boys after the game, you do not have to go home.
| U Arms
June 21, 2007 3:36:35 PM
Entry #: 2219827
| So the player from the stands should not have played? I agree!
| E6
June 21, 2007 3:47:30 PM
Entry #: 2219872
| You make some good points Jimmy and maybe that whole topic needs to be revisited and possibly changed. My personal opinion is, this is a rec league and if a player comes late and wants to play then knock yourself out.
On another note, can we please end this Remax and integrity issues nonsense. They win when it counts, end of story. If it means that much to you beat them in the playoffs otherwise find something a little more constructive to do with your time.
| Jim_the_Ump
June 21, 2007 5:51:19 PM
Entry #: 2220215
| Here’s what the USPL Rules say: 3(b) All active playing members in attendance at a game will participate as equally as possible in both the offensive and defensive play of the game. This means:
Offense - all players bat in a set order – no substitutions after the game starts. - late arrivals must play in the game and go to the bottom of the order…. …etc.
Get over it... have some fun! Jim
| NL
June 21, 2007 9:50:27 PM
Entry #: 2220654
| Did THIS championship team every play with all 15 players in the playoffs? Do they show up broken down for the final game?
| Jamie B
June 22, 2007 9:09:48 AM
Entry #: 2221245
| NL, know your facts before making accusations like Remax doesn't play with all its players. In fact we pride ourself on playing everyone who's able every game they can. I suppose jealousy is the most honest form of flattery.
| JL
June 22, 2007 9:09:56 AM
Entry #: 2221246
| Jim, I agree with you that all players should be given the opportunity to play even if they are late. This is a rec league and everyone is here to have a good time and a few beers after the game. The problem here is that the player for remax was sitting in the stands at the beginning of the game and did not decide to play until later on in the game when the score was close. The arms may have had a chance to beat remax because they were hitting well. If the player was resting a sprained ankle, why then would he decide to jump into the game in the later innings? Someone also mentioned that the arms had guys join their roster late, which is fine if they had only just made it to the game. The whole thing smells a little fishy on remax's behalf.
| Jamie B
June 22, 2007 9:26:16 AM
Entry #: 2221269
| either you can add players or you can't. Now you want to look at what inning they came in the game? Ya, let's do that. I'm sure the league exec. don't have better things to do than review game sheets to see when players entered the game. It appears a definitive rule must be stated now, or at the next AGM, that states when players can join a game. (Then you can come up with another reason why Remax keeps winning!)
| timmy
June 22, 2007 11:34:50 AM
Entry #: 2221502
| If a player shows up after his team has hit once through the line up he should not be allowed to play. Remax took u-arms lightly and when the score was close the players wanted in, not fair.
| Bojack
June 22, 2007 3:26:17 PM
Entry #: 2221972
| I think Fuji is a great player, teammate and pitcher, but if you are arguing the fact that he came in late and beat you, then hats off to Fuji! I don't know of any player in this league that can single handily beat us. When we lose, it's because our team lost the game...not that the other team beat us..and especially one player.
We have the same problem with Remax...We can't beat them! They always play us on a fair playing ground and we never argue with them. I think you need to look at your own team and see what you need to improve, so you have a chance at beating them.
It all comes down to the playoffs, and you should be working towards meeting them in the finals. It's Inevitable...Until you can beat them...They are the USPL slo-pitch Team to beat!
And as for the slide that took place. Sure it happened, and it was a missed call. There is no team that would have asked the ump to please reverse the call and call my player out. Don't kid yourself.....Sometimes you need a little luck on your side, and they definately have it.
I think we all need to find that lucky rabbits foot they carry around, and steal it.
| No
June 23, 2007 10:30:45 AM
Entry #: 2222910
| By winning their 5th uspl title in six years , remax have clearly established themselves as one of the dominant teams of their era. But are they a dynasty?
| Cuddles
June 23, 2007 10:33:17 PM
Entry #: 2223495
| As a former member of the Executive I have some experience in the Rules of the USPL. Rule # 23 states:" All players must wear team sweaters, if sweaters have been assigned. Otherwise the player is considered INELIGIBLE to play". I have observed several games this year where there are players not wearing uniforms. In the past the Executive has granted some flexibility to teams that need additional new uniforms about month after the season begins. Since 2006 was a uniform year most teams should have extra jerseys for the new players that joined their teams for the 2007 season. The Executive should advise the teams that are violating this rule they should adhere to the rule immediately or the players in question will not be allowed to play. It is an an emabarrassment to our league.
On the issue of the Remax - Arms game players are allowed to join their teams after the game starts. The USPL Rules do not stipulate the time of the game when a player can join in however the team in question must use some fair and reasonable discression when this event does occur. In the future maybe a rule should be created that states a player cannot join the game if the game has been declared official which is after 5 innings.
The Bistro Manager
| dukster
June 24, 2007 11:07:29 PM
Entry #: 2224791
| Fascinating reading boys, are we now supposed to conclude that Remax actions were legal but ethically wrong?
| U Arms
June 25, 2007 3:23:35 PM
Entry #: 2226143
| You are correct.
| Fuji
June 25, 2007 5:51:07 PM
Entry #: 2226575
| I can't believe all the space wasted on this issue. The only rule that was broken is I was not wearing a Team sweater (same as 3 or 4 of the Arms players). The USPL has a detailed set of rules which we should all abide by. If you don't agree with a rule, there is a process to change it. When you want to change a rule, consider all potential senarios before you do. Don't just apply it to a single situation because it will cause other problem. For example, if I am on the sidelines resting an injury and someone on my team breaks a leg, are you telling me I can't go into the game if I am the only player available ?? As I suggested earlier, the first thing you should do is read the USPL Constitution and Rules and you may notice that some rules were deliberately tailored for a REC league.
| JL
June 25, 2007 11:25:14 PM
Entry #: 2227337
| So Fuji, are you saying that a member of your team broke their leg, and that is why you entered the game in the later innings. If your injury kept you out of the first couple of innings, what miracle happened that allowed you to become healed enough to play for the last couple of innings? I agree that one man is not a team, but some people in certain positions can defintely help the outcome of a game. Especially if that position is pitcher and the person coming in is a good pitcher, it can make a difference in a game. I am not arguing about the fact that you did not have a jersey on, sometimes things happen and players do not have jersey's, it is a rec league and I think that they should still play. It is just a little fishy that you came into the game after a couple of innings when the game was close.
| Jim_the_Ump
June 26, 2007 9:46:20 AM
Entry #: 2227866
| Actually, Fuji, as you describe your example, I’m probably not allowing you to come in. You would be a SUBSTITUTE player (substitutes are not allowed-Rule 3b). However, if you arrived late to a game, or on time but needed time to warm up, you could enter the game and go to the bottom of the order.
And so, I guess I see where the guys from the Arms are coming from… were you a late-arriving player who came in when you were ready??... or were you a substitute that came in because your team needed you?? One is acceptable, the other is not.
I guess it’s one of those HTBT (Had To Be There), and since I wasn’t, I don’t know the situation. All I know is that you and your Remax teammates have always been a classy bunch of guys, who always try to play by the rules. Because of your dynasty (yes, dynasty!), you are always under the magnifying glass with people looking at every little thing your team does. I know it’s not fair, but I think your team is held to a higher standard, and when something remotely fishy comes up, people are quick to pounce. All I can suggest is that you continue to compete to that higher standard, and you’ll continue to be winners.
As I said earlier, now let’s all get over it, have some fun.
| Bob
June 26, 2007 10:23:00 AM
Entry #: 2227948
| They are all jealous Fug
August 10, 2008 10:16:36 AM
Entry #: 2864221
| Fuji...stop posting. That's all you have to do to spare you and more importantly, your teammates from any further embarassment.
For as long as I can remember, your team flew under the radar and everyone loved them. Since you and xamer started posting everyone has turned on remax like an angry mob. The topic of every conversation is "Hey are you playing remax this week..smash them and shut them up."
You are a good guy tom, but in all honesty...nobody wants to hear it anymore, just stop living in the past already.
| Gimme
August 10, 2008 3:11:20 PM
Entry #: 2864415
| W.T.H.?? This seems pretty random!
| corkscrew
August 10, 2008 3:13:27 PM
Entry #: 2864417
| JBIAA, you're a big man taking shots at people hiding behind your nickname... I personally have heard enough from you !